Chapter Sixty-One

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.)

I resurfaced from my fear-induced mental breakdown. I didn't know how much time had passed since I'd been abducted, I didn't know where I was, I didn't know if anyone else besides my captors knew what had happened to me, and I wasn't sure if I would be living in, say, two weeks. 

I know that initially upon being put into the cage I had acted very weak and broken. I had had a panicked tantrum. Now, however, I was my usual self -- my thoughts were consumed either by curiosity (is anyone going to save me, does anyone know where I am, are they trying to find me, etc.) or by strategic planning. 

I surveyed the entire inside of the ship I was on and everyone in it. I suspected there were more rooms that I couldn't see and that I was in the control room. 

My cage was placed in a corner of the large room. To my direct left was a black wall, and I expected that there was a door welded somewhere on it that lead to some other place on the ship. Directly ahead of me were sets of computers and desks that several people worked at -- I couldn't tell who they were or what they were wearing because of the dim red lighting. Their screens were black with blue writing, and I couldn't make out what any of the words on the screen said. 

To my right was a massive counter-like thing that was placed against the wall of the ship. There were several people standing and looking out of the glass pane directly above the counter. The black counter had several multi-colored buttons, levers, and panels -- this counter is what made me assume that I was in the control room. I again couldn't tell what any of the people wore or looked like because of the poor and slightly ominous lighting. 

There was quiet muttering going around the room and I assumed that they only muttered so I couldn't hear them. I could hear the gentle whir of the ship's engine and the clicking and beeping of various buttons and keyboards. I remained balled up in the back corner of my cage, extremely cautious and worried that something very bad was going to happen to me. 

Countless amounts of time passed by. I passed it by examining, from the corner, the bars of my cage. I wanted to see if there was any way to escape, but it looked completely sealed. Even if I did somehow escape the metal bars, how would I fight off all of these people and then find my way back to The First Order?

I then looked down at my hands, where another problem was presented.

The horrendous dark grey cuffs chafed against my soft skin, creating a stinging, burning sensation that was quite unpleasant. They continued to prohibit me from using my electricity and I was beginning to get angry about it. I felt absolutely helpless. I had already attempted so many different maneuvers in order to try and get the cuffs off of me, but none had worked!

I was closely inspecting every rift, edge, curve, and engraving on the cuffs when the sound of heavy footfalls reached my ears. I was no longer intensely focused on the cuffs, even though I looked at them, but instead on the sound of approaching feet. 

The stepping sound then halted. I slowly looked up to see a man bent over and peering into my cage. I glared at him with pure hatred. I knew that he hadn't even spoken a word to me yet, but he had taken me against my will, and that was more than enough for me to hate someone. 

He had short brown hair that curved to the side and leathery pale skin. His thin lips horrifically complimented his large nose and small eyes. 

"Hello, Nira." He spoke in a deep, extremely male voice. 

I refused to reply and continued to stare at him in disgust. I made sure that my despise for him showed clearly on my facial features. 

Another man walked up to the cage and bent over to look at me as well. I glanced between the both of them with complete revulsion. 

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