Chapter Fifty-Five

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I struggled to keep close to Kylo Ren as he thrust through the doors of the Lunch Hall and towards a transporter. I was no longer hungry; not only had I ate most of my provided nutrition discs, but Hux's insults had caused the loss of my appetite.

So, yeah. That's how my first official meal at The First Order went.


Kylo Ren and I took a transporter back to his cell. I changed into my black and yellow armor. We then briskly walked again for a few minutes before reaching another transporter. We took the transporter and reached a set of black doors. He stopped a few feet from it and I ceased advancement along with him; I waited for him to walk in, but he merely turned his head and looked at me through the mask.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He asked. I nodded, looking straight ahead at the door determinedly. I knew I was moments before my first official job, and I felt physically prepared; however, I also felt really mentally unprepared. I knew that I didn't have the self-confidence to corral a group of stomrtroopers.

My heart was thudding heavily in my chest and my adrenaline was cruising at quite a high level. Kylo Ren progressed towards the doors and we crossed the threshold together. I was completely astounded from the first glance of the place.

It was a giant room, four times bigger than the Lunch Hall, and it greatly resembled a hangar. The massive chamber had dark grey walls and floors; it seemed to be split up -- but not by walls -- into six different sections. 

First off, Kylo Ren, the door, and myself were raised up onto a grate that only extended five feet from the wall. We were situated about halfway between the ceiling and the floor. To get down to ground level we would have to descend steps of metallic mesh stairs on either side of us.

Kylo Ren gave me a few moments to absorb all of the commotion happening on the colossal floor below us. I couldn't help being impressed as I viewed all of it.

In the far left corner were hundreds of stormtroopers crowded around lengthy tables, busily working away. When I squinted, I was able to distinguish the weapons that they were assembling. Closer on my left were several lines of stormtroopers, all armed with blasters. They were shooting at fluorescent targets plastered on the wall close to the bottom of the staircase. 

On my far right were fleets of ships of all shapes and sizes; big, small, cubic, spherical, grey, black, etc. Stormtroopers steadily boarded most of the ships, and then the ships hurtled off. Closer on my right was the exact opposite situation; ships flew in at incredible speeds, executed the perfect landing, unloaded the stormtroopers aboard them, and then floated over to be mounted and flown off again. 

On the far-center side of the room, was a tall, large, black podium that was fused with the wall. On the podium stood several important looking figures in various helmets, robes, and armor. Below and in front of the podium stood several herds of stormtroopers that marched in uniform in the small area by the podium. 

I looked underneath the grated platform on which Kylo Ren and I stood to see a large desk with four robots working behind it. Different stormtroopers ceaselessly approached the desk. On either side of the desk were two doors, in which stormtroopers entered and exited from. 

The room was not cramped at all; there was plenty of open space between each distinct section. It was quite a loud room, though; there was the rumbling engines of ships, blasters going off by the target practice, shouting from the podium, the sound of stormtroopers marching all around, and a significant amount of chatter.

Kylo Ren began walking down the stairs to my right. I followed. Right when my foot first hit the floor, a ship came careening into the hangar. I instinctively jumped back, but the small, spherical ship slowed down insanely quickly and safely landed (far from me). 

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