Chapter Sixty-Nine

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  Kylo Ren turned away from me. He walked out of the cell's door and I made no attempt to stop him. 


The rest of my day passed by very slowly. 

I skipped out on my regular morning training session with Kylo Ren, and I'm very sure that he would've agreed in the cancellation of it as well. 

I went to the Lunch Hall when it was time for lunch. Kylo Ren didn't show up, which wasn't too surprising for me. Rulara and Fruvis inquired about his whereabouts, but all I could do was shrug. 

After lunch, I went to my job. I helped my stormtroopers go through their training sessions. We went through a couple of drills that involved my cooperating with them in a battle simulation. It all went fairly well, and the best part about it all was that it kept my mind off of Kylo Ren.

I had been avoiding thinking about it. I wanted to be able to think things through and figure out where my heart lay. I didn't want to rush into things.   

After my several days in The First Order's infirmary, all of my injuries from the doctor-abduction had been nearly healed. Most of my injuries were completely healed now. I found out during my job that if I worked too hard, my calf would begin to horrendously sting (if you would recall the bullet wound in my calf). 

I was laying in my bed the evening of the fight with Kylo Ren. Now that I was alone and there were no distractions, I couldn't keep my mind off of it. 

I had two possible decisions that I could make. I could take a risk, be with Kylo Ren, and possibly endanger the both of us, or I could be sure of my safety and stay away from him. 

I had no clue what to do. 

Obviously I am very passionate about my relationship with Kylo Ren. I like him -- a lot. I admire his confidence, I am impressed by his power, I am very attracted to him (in a lot of different ways), and he is the least boring person I have ever met. He is sexy, hard-working, a perfect mixture of selfless and selfish, and is incredibly intelligent. 

However, I also value my life. If someone were to discover our intimate relations, then not only do I believe I would get in trouble, but I also am very confident in the assumption that I would get hurt. Perhaps I would get banished, tortured, or killed. It would be very hard for me to sit there, know my life is on the line, and be okay with it. 

I knew that I couldn't keep all of these thoughts and emotions bottled up inside of me. I knew I had to talk about it, and I could only talk about it with one person -- Kylo Ren. 

I was tired and already in bed. The lights were dimmed, but my thoughts kept me wide awake. I couldn't get him off of my mind. 

I slowly climbed out from under the blankets and contemplated on whether or not I would venture out of the cell and find him. 

I found myself walking towards the cell's door seconds later and knew that my decision had been made. I would go and talk to Kylo Ren. 

When I entered the hallway, I realized that he could've been anywhere in the massive base. I stood and pondered about where he could possibly be. I searched the depths of my mind for an idea as to where he was. 

Then I realized that there was only one place that Kylo Ren could've been -- even though I didn't have the powers of The Force, I then knew exactly where he was. 

I walked through the silent corridors of The First Order's base until I reached my destination. 

I slowly tread through the sliding doors of the training arena and, surely enough, there he was. 

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