Chapter Fourteen

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(Author's Note: This chapter is from Kylo Ren's point of view.)

I was standing straight up with my arms folded while I watched the suction cups reach Nira and attach to her. She and everyone else in the room had been quiet preceding the suction-cup-attachment. Her legs had been trembling the entire time, her knees shaking uncontrollably, but other than that she'd bitten her lip and stayed quiet.

The new clothes that The First Order had dispersed to her were . . . Wow. When I saw her in them for the first time my eyes had widened and breath hitched halfway up my throat. Oh God, they fit every part of her so well; they showed her toned biceps, quadriceps, and calves so prominently and they gripped at every single one of her mature curves. The clothes were so provocative and it was really difficult for me to look away.

Then the bathtub incident . . . Oh my. It was probably the most surprising thing I'd ever experienced. I wasn't used to being surprised since I could sense most things coming throughThe Force, but that really jolted me. I know she had covered up her upper half with her forearms, but her forearms weren't that big and I could still see partially some exclusive parts of Nira's body. I had to leave when I saw her because I didn't know if I would be able to control myself. I've been trained to control my temper and well-being in every possible situation, but I guess Nira doesn't fall under the category of 'possible situations'. I am under the constant fear of what she might accidentally provoke me to do.

Anyways, the suction cups.

They attached to multiple parts of her body and only then did she let all of the scientists see how scared she really was. Nira began hyperventilating as many mechanical sounds ensued. She hyperventilated so loud we could all clearly hear her. I then heard her talk to herself.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay. It's okay!" She said calming words in a panicking tone. Her voice was shaky, loud, and shrill.

I suddenly felt something in my chest that I'd never felt before. It was a longing of some sort . . . Longing to do what? I then felt pity and realized what I yearned for.

I wanted to help Nira. But I couldn't. I had put her into this position and there was no backing out now.

I then watched Nira mentally break. Her words of self-assurance turned into crying, which escalated into sobs, which then transformed into screams.

I pressed my lips tightly together under my mask. She screamed again and I really had to resist the temptation to go help her. That's when I realized that I cared for Nira; well, maybe not cared, but had an attachment to her.

Attached to her??? No you aren't. You're a Knight of Ren. You attach to no one, I thought bitterly, but another of Nira's screams filled my ears and my heart felt as if it were being stabbed.

I eventually began to worry about what emotion or feeling her repeated screams were classified as. I at first thought they were because of pure terror, but as they continued, a horrid thought dawned on me.

Is she screaming in pain?

What if I was the cause of these screams? I mean, I know technically I was but I never wanted her to be pained. Oh what had I done?

I was in the midst of a near-panic attack when Nira's limbs fell limp and her head lolled to the side. I was so concerned it agonized me, so I stepped forward and asked, "Is she okay?"

I kept myself composed as the strong leader I was. I showed no mercy towards Nira. I held my head and shoulders high.

"Yes, she'll be awake when the draining is complete." A man close to me said. I looked around and realized I'd been so caught up in anxiously watching Nira struggle that I hadn't noticed all of the scientists had began writing on their clipboards.

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now