Chapter Eighty-Nine

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.)

His mask faced me, and as him and his guards neared his holding cell's door, he uttered, "I'm sorry."

His guards then forcefully shoved him over the threshold and into his holding cell. I stared after him as long as I could, but eventually my guards turned me around.

We entered into my holding cell.


The door slid shut with a whssh after all of my convoy had entered the room. I was not expecting what happened afterwards to happen at all. 

Immediately after the sound of the door shutting came to my ears, my feet were harshly kicked out from underneath me. I didn't have time to register what was happening as I fell to the metal floor. 

I felt something slam into my back, powered by an impressive amount of physical force. I was sent rolling across the floor; the metal created a searing friction against my arms.

I got kicked, I vaguely realized as a throbbing pain spread from the middle of my spine to the edges of my back. 

The wind had been knocked from me. As I struggled for breath, I watched a pair of legs walk in front of me, pull one foot back, and send the foot flying into my stomach. I was completely knocked in the opposite direction.

I was now heaving, ready to throw up at any moment, curled up on the floor in a pathetic ball. 

I was too surprised to have any outraged or defensive thoughts. My mind was actually blank with adrenaline and agony. All I could hear was a loud ringing sound. Everything seemed like it was happening so fast.

"Get up!" A deep male voice screamed at me; I could barely hear it through the ringing noise that filled my ears. 

I shook my head, and my hearing partially came back. "Get up, I said!" The same male voice shouted again; I felt another brutal foot come careening into my back again, and I was knocked onto my stomach. I physically could not move.

"Don't make me kick you again! Get up!" The voice was now completely clear, and the ringing was gone. My head pulsed with pain, my vision was covered with black spots, and everything sounded so vivid. 

I forced myself to push onto my hands and knees despite the horrid pain in my rib cage and spine due to the violent kicks that were thrown onto me. 

I groaned with pain as I slowly got to my feet. I stumbled backwards with dizziness, but a pair of large, callous hands caught me before I could fall. The hands shoved me forwards and I nearly fell onto my face, but this time I caught myself. I took a moment to regain my balance, and then I slowly looked around. 

I saw six guards standing around the room, all armed with giant, intimidating weapons. In the middle of the bland room was a diagonal slate with hand and foot restraints that looked much like the slate I was held on when the Doctor Kutraron and his gang took me.

The only people in the rooms were the guards and myself, so I knew that the guards were the ones who had delivered the vicious kicks to me.

"Get in your restraints." One of the guards ordered. I glanced at the slate, and then back to the man who had ordered me to climb onto it. 

The intense pain in my back and gut convinced me to voluntarily climb onto the slate. The pain served as a reminder that these guards were not afraid to hurt me. I quickly clambered onto the slate and got onto my back so they could strap me in. 

One of the guards rushed forward and hastily clamped my restraints down on my wrists and ankles. He hurried back into place afterwards. That's when I realized that these guards, and possibly everyone in this organization, were afraid of me. Why else would they rush me into my restraints and try their best not to touch me while strapping me in?

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