Chapter Eleven

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I almost didn't even want to know my future. I didn't want to be some sort of slave for anyone. I wanted the words, Okay, so you're being set free, to come out of his mouth but I was hopeless. That wasn't going to happen and I knew it.

I continued to look up at him and he began his explanation of my inevitable part of The First Order.


He breathed in and out quickly before he began talking. I watched his luscious lips move, but their glory didn't distract me from his intriguing and terrifying words.

"Your fate was decided by a council and jury. We have elected the option of extracting your powers from you and using them as a force field for our base. After we've used you for your powers, you will become my apprentice and I shall train you to become a warrior for The First Order." He explained rather rapidly.

I stared up at him and raised my eyebrows in surprise at his arrogance and confidence. "And what makes you or anyone else think I want to work as a warrior for The First Order?" I asked sassily. It's true! How could I ever want to work for the organization that destroyed my entire life? It could never be. It would never work. I'd end up messing up by breaking a law or purposefully committing treason. I was sure of it.

"I am positive you will behave yourself and do as your told because if you don't someone will kill you and I will have no control over it. It is true that it would be an unauthorized murder but it very well may happen." As he spoke the life-threatening words I couldn't help but wonder why anyone here would have any reason or motivation to kill me. So I asked.

"Why? I'm not that important. I'm not strong. I only have something that you're going to take away from me." I scoffed. Kylo Ren squinted in disbelief at me.

"For being so powerful you are quite dull." He commented, and I scoffed again. "People think that if you have one power you may have another. They think you're dangerous and a potential threat. In fact, I think your a threat too, but I'm a risk-taker."

"I'm not a threat." I mumbled under my breath. "Nira, when you are my apprentice you will comply to everything I say and you will stay loyal to The First Order." He said, ignoring my defiant comment.

I looked up to him hatefully. I didn't understand what the big deal about me was. I would be much happier being released or even killed than spending my time as Kylo Ren's apprentice. I was repulsed by the thought of getting trained by him.

"What makes you think I would even be a good warrior?" I asked. It was an honest question. I was weak compared to every other soldier The First Order had. What inspired him to train me?

"I can sense something on you. It's not The Force, it's something else . . . I can't describe it. It bothers me. Not knowing." Kylo Ren answered thoughtfully.

"How do you even know I have powers? What makes you so sure you're even right? What if I can't even provide a force field?" I was scrutinizing every detail of this grand plan. I wanted to be sure that if this really was happening it would work and that I wouldn't perish on accident or something horrid.

Kylo Ren took a moment before answering my questions. "The stormtrooper unit with the one that shot at you and I are the only witnesses of your powers."

"What?" I asked in a loud and disbelieving voice. I was beginning to realize that most words that came out of Kylo Ren's mouth confused me. But he explained himself, as usual.

"When the stormtrooper shot at you, I was certain you were going to die. But right before the bullet was supposed to hit you right in the chest you were completely and spontaneously surrounded by some electrical current that acted as a shield. The bullet rebounded and hit the stormtrooper, killing him. A few moments afterwards the shield disappeared." Kylo Ren explained.

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