Chapter One-Hundred-Twenty-One

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Author's Note: Nira's POV

Citizens were screaming in the stands louder than before as Edroth struggled to get away from the guards, but Edroth was quickly shackled up just as I was and hustled from the room.

The audience began to flow from their stands, jeering and screaming louder than before. There was a constant stream of furious First Order citizens at the door. I watched with wide eyes.

Kylo Ren left the podium and walked towards me. He sat at my table and watched as people streamed out.

I looked at him. "Whoa," I said, completely in awe.


Kylo Ren used the Force to unlock my shackles. The chains and cuffs fell to the ground but I could barely hear the sound they made over the furious crowd that was rushing through the doors. 

I knew that the people who watched the trial would feel betrayed and endangered. How could anyone feel safe knowing that a foreign organization called 'Anarchic Galactic' knows private information regarding our base? Who knows how much information those anarchists had? And how could anyone trust a president again knowing that presidents had the power to do such a thing?

When only a few people remained in the courtroom, Kylo Ren and I stood up and walked out easily. I felt elated, but confused. I'd been aware of what had happened during my trial but I still had so many questions and a lot of confusion. 

I knew what happened but at the same time I really didn't. 

Kylo Ren and I walked out of the courtroom. He walked me back to his quarters and just as we were about to enter, he stopped. 

"Nira, I have to go deal with the matters I have just unleashed on this base. I'm sure that everything is hectic. Just try to remain safe for a while." Kylo Ren stated from beneath the mask. I desperately looked up at him. 

"When will I see you again?!" I exclaimed with a significant amount of need in my voice. 

"Soon. I just can't leave this alone. I need to ensure that the right measures are taken for us to both be safe." He said. A few seconds passed with me staring up at him in horror, and him looking back down at me. He added, "I love you." 

"I love you too." I whispered. Kylo Ren turned and walked away. 

The last thing that I'd wanted was for Kylo Ren to leave me when I so fiercely craved his protection. Nevertheless, I walked into his quarters and let him leave.


Several days had passed since my trial. I had mainly kept to myself because I thought it'd be better to not draw attention.

I had installed some type of a schedule for myself. I woke up, ate breakfast, trained, ate lunch, trained, ate dinner, and returned back to Kylo Ren's empty quarters. 

In the dining hall I still maintained my seat at the elevated table of superiors, but I barely spoke with any of the people there. My old acquaintances, Rulara and Fruvis, either weren't there or spoke with people on the other side of them at meals. I don't think they were trying to be rude, but I felt completely out of the loop. 

From listening to their conversations I could guess that a lot of important events were happening inside the base regarding President Edroth's obvious treason. I didn't really know what was going on, though, and no one bothered to tell me. I guess I didn't care enough to ask.

I saw Kylo Ren one time, at lunch, three days after he'd left at his quarters after my trial. He ate very quickly and left with barely saying a word, as if he were in a hurry and needed to be somewhere immediately. I guessed that he did have to be somewhere immediately and he was in a hurry. 

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