Chapter Ninety-Five

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.)

Following our brief meeting, Kylo Ren claimed he had more conferences to attend.

"I'll be very busy these next few days because several matters need to be handled concerning The Execution and the past days' events. We lost a lot of soldiers and are left without a force field or the power box. I promise I'll come and visit you." He promised, entering the hallway. I followed. 

"Will we train in the mornings still?" I asked curiously. 

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to tell you. Nira, you showed such promise, improvement, professionalism, and talent on the battlefield that I've decided our daily morning training sessions are no longer necessary. I was incredibly impressed with your performance. If you want to continue training on your own then that's excellent, but for the sake of safety, time management, and lack of necessity, I don't think we need to continue those sessions." Kylo Ren explained, beginning to walk down the hallway. 

My heart sank in my chest. I always thoroughly enjoyed those practice sessions with Kylo Ren. He provided such good structure and influence on me. He trained me and morphed me into the fighter that I am. I also liked the special, short, intimate moments that came and went throughout the sessions. 

"It's late. Why don't you get back to your cell?" Kylo Ren suggested. I stopped following him down the hallway as I had been.

"Okay. See you." I muttered, turning in the opposite direction and separating myself from him. I walked until I found a transporter and then navigated my way back to my cell. 

I entered the cell and, for the first time following the hours of loneliness after my torture on The Execution's planet, I was completely alone. The silence felt uncomfortable and strange. I didn't like it at all. 

Entering the cell was a bittersweet moment for me. I found comfort in the familiar dark grey walls and floors. I was relieved to be able to see my dresser, the small black control panel by the white door, and the black closet by the bed. It was so refreshing to be able to sit on my own black comforter and be atop my own bed. 

The silence, however, was terrifying. It seeped through my ears and eerily filled my head. My heart beat quicker when nothing was present except for myself. I had to face what had happened to me. 

I couldn't feel safe. If I blinked, I was positive that Senator Shihan would be waiting in front of me when my eyes reopened. If I turned, he would be waiting for me if I rotated back. He would be patiently waiting with his small flaming tool that physically destroyed me. 

Kespia had mentioned that The First Order had taken Senator Shihan. She had claimed that he had been trying to escape after the explosion but our ships had caught him and taken him back to the base. 

He's somewhere on this base. He could be coming for me right now. He may want to avenge what happened to his base. It was my powers that blew the whole thing up; Shihan could technically blame me and be after me at this moment, I struggled to block the horrifying thoughts from my mind when there was nothing to distract me from them. 

I shook my head side to side. I had to get those thoughts out of my head. I instead focused on how purely putrid I smelled. 

I hadn't cleaned myself since before I departed for The Execution's planet, and it showed (and smelled like it). I began to walk towards the bathroom before I remembered one small fact.

I hadn't looked at myself since the torturing. I hadn't truly viewed what I looked like after Shihan's fiery torture. 

I was afraid to. I couldn't. I didn't want to see the ugly state that the cruel Senator had left me in. 

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