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Nira Leven is from Tunstead, a village in the middle of a valley surrounded by forest. Tunstead is located on a miniature planet in the outskirts of the galaxy. Tunstead has no army. It is based on agriculture. There is no currency. People trade goods for work, or goods for goods. Everyone has a job. The clothes they wear are simple; usually various tan or dark-colored shirts and various colors of cargo shorts. Everyone wears sturdy shoes so they can work the farms or animals they own. 

Nira Leven is is a citizen of Tunstead. She is sixteen, has your hair color, your skin color, your eye color, and your body figure (she basically looks like you). Nira's mom owns a massive vegetable garden. They live near the center of town. 

Tunstead has a river running through the middle. In the 'front' of the city, there's the only building not made of wood in the whole village. It's owned by the government. There's also a giant open yard used for town meetings and such. Behind the open yard is a massive space occupied by several wooden huts, farms, gardens, tool sheds, shops, and a huge trading market. That's where all of the residents usually are.

It's been two years since The First Order was destroyed by The Resistance. Rumors of Kylo Ren's survival have gone around, but none have been truly confirmed. 

Nira's story begins in the summer. It is nightfall and everyone is getting ready for bed. Her mother rushes in their hut to tell her some grave news. 

Kidnapped by Kylo Ren (Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now