Chapter Fifty-One

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"I need to call for help." I quietly explained, pushing myself to my feet and climbing out of the shower. I tossed Kylo Ren a towel to cover himself with and walked out of the bathroom (unwillingly).

Oh, how I wished that kiss could've gone on for all of eternity.


I headed over to the panel by the door and, within a few presses of some buttons, called employees from the infirmary to the cell. I walked back into the bathroom and slid down the wall next to the shower so I was sitting close to Kylo Ren.

"I won't be in the infirmary for a very long time at all. My foot is only fractured, and with the technology we have it could be healed within merely a few days. I've also been considering further treatment for my other injuries, so I suppose I will request that as well." Kylo Ren thought aloud. I sneaked a glance at him.

His hair was slightly frizzing into small curls and most of the water droplets had evaporated from his face and body. There were miniature goose bumps trailing up and down the parts of his muscular arms that I could see. His pectoral muscles were so conspicuous and attractive. I could also see, much to my own pleasure, the top of his sculpted abdominal muscles.

I then turned my attention back to my feet. "What will I do for training? And what about my new government position? What if you aren't there to help make the decision?" I questioned, now getting worried that his injuries would negatively intervene with too many events involving my future.

Wow, I rely on Kylo Ren for quite a bit, I thought as I made that epiphany.

"You can help train yourself. You have the mechanical combat trainer to assist you with combative portions and I'm sure you are fully capable of conducting a few weight training sessions on your own." He replied confidently; I didn't completely comprehend all of his words because of the fact that I was intently concentrated on the rich and sharp sound of his heavenly voice.

I focused harder on his next words instead of the luxurious sound of his voice. "I wouldn't miss the deciding of your new position for anything. I will have the medics wheel me to the conference in the hospital bed if it must be done that way." Kylo Ren assured me. I nodded, now comforted and not worried in the slightest.

I then began to think about his history again. Sometimes I couldn't help the curious thoughts from reappearing in my mind. I constantly contemplated on the reasons as to why Kylo Ren wouldn't reveal his past to me and what his past even consisted of. I glanced over at him as I was thinking and saw that he had an angry grimace on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, my anxiety reignited again by his annoyed and pained expression.

"No." He stated bluntly. Bitterness was abundant in his voice. I frowned and looked back down at my feet, confused as to why he suddenly seemed so . . . Irritated and furious.

I then faintly heard the cell door open and I stood up. "Nira Leven?" A male voice called.

The medics, I distantly put together in my mind.

"I'm in here!" I shakily vociferated; my voice was only weak because I wasn't used to interacting with people in The First Order. Most of the time, when speaking was to be done, Kylo Ren accomplished it, whether the speaking was on his behalf or my own.

I realized, if I'm going to have a position in the government I better adjust to talking with anyone and everyone in The First Order. I can't do that right now and all that will do is hold me back.

The medics walked into the bathroom and I walked out. I sadly watched them carry Kylo Ren out of the room on a thick, white, metal stretcher that floated two feet off the ground. They were nearly out the threshold when I suddenly stood up and loudly asked, "Am I going to be able to visit him?"

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