Chapter Fifty-Six

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(Author's Note: This chapter is in Nira's point of view.


It's been three days into my new position, and I have to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. The only rough patch that I had with my unit was on the first day when the stormtroopers were asking me the rude and belligerent questions. After I intimidated them by electrocuting one of the offenders, things have been sailing pretty smoothly. They follow my orders perfectly and without question. 

I'm pretty satisfied with how I've been handling all of the problems that have arisen -- I can tell my superiors, including Kylo Ren, are impressed with my performance. Whenever I get praise or do something right, I get this giddy and excited feeling inside of me. I'm proud of myself! It's tough being good at your job when you work in The First Order!

So far, all I've done is train the stormtroopers. I supervise their training and keep them focused on specific goals. I've submitted a few rankings. 

"I still wish you didn't have a job that required entering battle." Kylo Ren said with annoyed tones. He was sitting in the chair by his closet, lacking his mask, and I was perched cross-legged on the bed.

I sighed. "It's not like there's anything that can be done about it." I looked away for him for half a second, but then looked back. "So is my schedule tentative or permanent?" 

"Permanent. Every day you'll wake up, train with me, eat lunch, train your unit, possibly assemble with the entire squadron, and then have free time -- that is, unless you aren't called into battle." He added bitterly. I nodded, choosing to ignore his hostile addition. 

"And what happens if I do get called into battle?" I asked curiously. I wasn't sure if this was an ideal topic to converse with Kylo Ren about since he wasn't entirely in agreement with the concept, but I needed to know what to do in case it happened. 

"Depending on the situation, your call could come as a complete surprise or we could predict it and have you prepared to leave three nights before. We can plan for your departure if it's an ongoing war, if we are ambushing someone, or if we are otherwise notified of the war. Your call could be a complete surprise if we are attacked or if a war unexpectedly, rapidly arises.

"When you get called into battle, you will peacefully report down to the stormtrooper hangar. You and your unit will calmly load onto your designated ship. Your pilot and crew will be waiting for you. You'll then take off, receive orders from the commander, and, well, go into battle."

"Oh. That's much more simple than I expected." I commented, frowning; I wasn't unhappy that it'd be easy, but rather confused because I'd anticipated the process to be a lot more difficult.

"I truly believe that battles are going to come rather rarely from here on out. I don't think The Resistance is strong enough to challenge us anymore. After the last breach, when you and I were on Beyzuno, I had the security thoroughly expanded, strengthened, and deepened. The traitor that took down the force field, thus allowing The Resistance to attack, was found and executed after we extracted information from her. We then destroyed much of their base when we rescued you. I think your life is going to be pretty ordinary for a while, Nira." 

My life is going to be ordinary, I thought, How wonderful. My life hadn't been considered ordinary since back on Tunstead. 

A large part of me sincerely doubted that my life would sustain normalcy.

My thoughts began to run off track. I thought about what an ordinary day for Kylo Ren looks like. 

Meetings, murders, malfeasance? Probably, I thought. Then I couldn't help but wonder, I wonder what life was like on Starkiller Base. 

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