Chapter Nineteen

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  Kylo Ren stared at me for one second, two seconds, three seconds. Then he told me, "I'm proud of you," and walked out of the room. 


I followed after him, and asked, "Where are we going?" Even though the only thing that was really on my mind was the imprint of his fingers on my face. His soft in the middle, rough on the outside fingers. 

"We're going to a hangar." He didn't even look over his shoulder as he informed me. My mouth dropped open. 

"I'm the sweatiest person in this huge base right now and you're not going to let me shower?" I was in disbelief and to be honest, I was a little annoyed. For some reason I felt embarrassed walking in front of everyone as sweaty as I was. 

"Nira, I don't trust you to be on your own after The Resistance broke in." He slowed to a stop as we reached the transporter. I raised an eyebrow and half-smiled sarcastically. "Really. You don't trust me? And why is that?" I demanded as we walked inside. 

We were immediately pressed together and he spoke in the tight space, "I don't trust your fighting skills. If they were to try to hurt you or take you I don't know if you'd be able to protect yourself."

I didn't know how to reply to that. I closed my mouth, crossed my arms, and looked away from him with a slight pout on my face.

I followed his swishing black cloak all the way to the open area that was the hangar. For a moment I couldn't help but look in awe; all the massive walls and expansive floors were black; ships on ships on ships were lined up along the walls and parts of the floor; stormtroopers and an array of other people wearing solid colors bustled around relentlessly; Kylo Ren strode around with confidence as if he knew he could take the whole thing down right then and there (He probably could, I thought, and I didn't know whether to be impressed or scared).

I followed him and let him do his thing. I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying or doing. I was too intrigued by all the ships of different sizes and shapes that were displayed around me. 

I found one ship particularly interesting. It was a giant ship that was held up by stands under it. I remembered that I was supposed to be following someone. I turned around to attempt to follow Kylo Ren, but he wan't there. He'd walked off without me!

I whipped my head back and forth and frantically spun in a circle to try to find him, my heartbeat rising in speed, but I couldn't locate him. 

I was then tapped on the shoulder. I twisted around speedily and saw that it was a stormtrooper. "Nira Leven, what are you doing out here?" He asked, sounding suspicious. I looked up into his mask, for he was much taller than I.

I paused for a moment. I was almost too scared to respond because I had no clue what was going to happen. "Uh, Kylo Ren took me." I replied in a quivering voice. I nervously searched around for Kylo Ren.

I realized then and there how weak I was. Here I am in the midst of a hangar just after my lightsaber lesson, and I was scared of a mere stormtrooper. A stormtrooper! I felt so aggravated with the fact that if he attacked me right there on the spot then I'd most likely die. I should be strong. I'm being trained by Kylo Ren. But I'm not.

"Come with me." He interrupted my depressed, grabbing my bicep and pulling his gun up to press it to my side. He began walking out of the hangar. "Hey, no, Kylo Ren--" I began, looking over my shoulder and searching for Kylo Ren. I was beginning to feel the familiar panic that I always felt in The First Order. 

"Face the front." The stormtrooper scolded, jabbing me in the rib cage with his weapon. I gasped and the thought, What if he accidentally pulls the trigger?, sent a whole new wave of fear through me. 

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