Chapter Seventeen

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"I have several things to tend to and I will be back in a few days. You will continue your training with my attendant and when I get back we will resume."

With those final words, Kylo Ren left the room.



Kylo Ren's attendant was certainly one of the most terrifying creatures I'd ever met in my entire life.

His name was Lescapus. He woke me up the morning after Kylo Ren left at nine 'o' clock sharp by banging loudly on my cell door and barging in. I shot out of my slumber, fully alert, and screamed at the sight of him.

He was easily eight feet tall and maybe much more. Lescapus had silvery-gray skin, tiny black pupils for eyes, and light, thin pink lips. He had bulging muscles and wore a black tight jumpsuit that defined those intimidating muscles. His hands were as big as my head and he carried a large gun that was strapped to his back.

"What are you screaming for? Shut up!" His voice was a low-pitched raspy growl. I ceased my involuntary noise immediately. "Be ready in five minutes!" He barked at me.

I got out of bed faster than I ever had before and zoomed to get ready while he watched me. At that point in time, I still had no clue who he was; whoever he was, I did not feel like arguing with him.

I was ready in three minutes and he then chose to introduce himself. "I'm Master Kylo Ren's attendant. I'm your temporary trainer. My name is Lescapus."

That would've been nice to know when you broke in on me sleeping, I thought.

I followed him to the arena and he spoke a bit more about himself in his natural growl. "I was adopted into The First Order six months ago as a guard and an attendant. I used to live in a system far from here but I left because The First Order blew it up."

Then . . . Why are you working here? I thought, raising an eyebrow, but I didn't let him know I thought he was idiotic.

We reached the arena and he immediately began hardly working me. I weight trained the entire morning, but my least favorite type of training with Lescapus was combat.

"For your combat, Kylo Ren would like you to actually fight me." Lescapus grinned after my twenty minute break. My eyes widened. "What?" I exclaimed in disbelief. Lescapus merely grinned in a sinster fashion.

So . . . To summarize that part of my training for the next three days, I got my ass kicked.

All of the days were equally horrible. Every single time we attempted to 'fight', he would knock me out on the first punch; if I got lucky enough to evade the punch, he would knock me out harder because he was mad I evaded it. That was basically how it went for three days.

On the third day after training with him, I was lying in Kylo Ren's quarters on the bed. Lescapus was sitting on the ground, staring sulkily at the wall.

My head was throbbing and I was so dizzy I saw two, three Lescapus'. I was urging Lescapus to leave. After putting me through hell and back in three days I wanted him gone. To my luck, he gruffly asked, "Can I go now?" I placed my palm on my forehead and moaned, "Yes. Please, just leave."

Oh, the pain was tremendous and agonizing. It was almost hard for me to fall back to sleep after Lescapus had left. I couldn't rid myself of the dreadful headache that consumed my every thought. It seemed to only intensify.

I fell asleep again thirty minutes after, salty because in the past three days I had increased my skill in combat by zero percent thanks to Lescapus.

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