Chapter Forty-Two

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"I'm going to save you a lengthy explanation and just tell you the immediate outcome. The Knights of Ren are on their way here to abduct you and I both."

My heartbeat spiked up to new levels immediately. My eyes widened in surprise -- why had I not been aware of this before?

Kylo Ren put on his mask, turned, and began walking out of the room. I followed closely, worriedly, fearfully behind him.


My adrenaline had gone from zero to one hundred within three seconds. My limbs felt shaky as I followed him down several hallways and into different transporters. 

"Why are they coming?" I breathlessly asked while we walked. Part of the reason I was lacking oxygen was because of how fast Kylo Ren was walking and how hard I had to struggle to keep up, but the other reason was because of how nervous I was. I was so filled with anxiety -- it was a chore to speak.

Kylo Ren took a moment before answering my question in his deep mechanical voice. 

"The Knights of Ren have been furious ever since I officially united myself with The First Order and established myself as the leader here. They feel that I'm a traitor and I was stealing their time while I was being trained. They know of your value to me, and I highly suspect they have a spy infiltrating our base for information. They want to kidnap both of us and take us back to their base. I have no idea what they'd do to us there; perhaps torture us for information and then execute us or something or the sort." 

His words provided me with more reasoning as to why Kylo Ren fell to The Dark Side. If he was surrounded by such vile influences while he was being trained with The Force I imagine it'd be difficult to not be seduced to The Dark Side. 

I jogged for a moment to catch back up to his long strides while he spoke to me. "We're going to the control room. There's a short council meeting there on what actions we will all take. There will be little time for debate. The Knights of Ren must be minutes from here." 

As he finished his sentence, we turned down a short hallway and into a door that automatically slid open in front of us. We entered a giant room with windows facing outer space and several people lodged at computers all around the room. I assumed this was the control room.

I saw the familiar red-haired man with the snide voice overseeing all of the computers with his hands folded behind his back. Kylo Ren strode up to him and I awkwardly followed. I felt so out of place and uncomfortable, and I realized that I really wasn't a part of The First Order yet. I was only a part of Kylo Ren.

"General Hux, what is their approximate time of arrival?" Kylo Ren questioned in a commanding tone when we reached the redhead. 

"We have ten minutes until their arrival. We're preparing the militia, as I suggested hours before. Things are very chaotic, for your information. If only we would've acted sooner." At his final sentence, General Hux turned his head and glared into Kylo Ren's mask in an accusatory fashion. Hux then turned away after a moment.

Kylo Ren ignored Hux's dramatic actions. "I'm taking Nira and myself to a bunker. I'm not telling any of the employees where our actual location will be so the Knights of Ren will be unable to torture it out of you, as they will surely try." 

General Hux's face showed the slightest hint of panic for a small moment, but then he resumed his normal condescending and assertive facial expression. 

"Why don't you just depart from the base? Yourself and Nira?" Hux asked, staring straight ahead. I was positive that I sensed a shadow of hopefulness in his sneering voice; he wanted us gone! I was also sure of the fact that if I could notice his tranquil enthusiasm for Kylo Ren and my own abandonment of The First Order base, then Kylo Ren would've noticed it, too. 

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