Chapter 1

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Liam ~

It was just a normal day at work in the studio with the lads, nothing special. There were quite a few fans outside, but not many. Five, maybe.

Well, okay, everything wasn't normal.  Because Harry was not there. And we had no idea where he was. It was a real mystery and Louis was hysterical. I mean, we all were worried but Lou... He wasn't just worried. He was terrified. Niall, Zayn and I tried to comfort him, but he didn't listen. But I didn't blame him, Harry had been gone for two weeks by then. Nothing was as it used to be. No one knew where he was, and he didn't even answer the phone. We called him, we texted him, nothing. We didn't even know if he was alive. 

I looked over at Louis, his eyes were wet. As they'd been the last two weeks. I sighed quietly and walked over to him.

"Lou?" I asked quietly. He didn't answer, he didn't even look at me. "Hey, Lou, calm down. It's okay, he'll come back. I promise."

Slowly he nodded his head, yeah, sure he'd come back. I threw an eye at Niall, he sat at the table, eating. Man, that boy could eat. But he had pain in his eyes, I know he cared. Zayn... Zayn wasn't there. I guess he was out smoking.

The fans still didn't know about Harry's disappearance. And we didn't want to tell them. We told everyone he was sick, but nothing serious. He just had to rest for a couple of weeks. 

But those couple of weeks had left an everyone wanted to know. Where were Harry? But we couldn't answer that. Because we really didn't know. I sighed again and decided to go out and see if I could find Zayn, and maybe talk to some of the fans.

(A/N: Since I wrote this to upload on instagram, the chapters are short. I'm so sorry for that and I hope you'll like it anyway! xoxo)

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