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Hi guys!

That was the end of this fanfic. It wasn't long, I know, but remember it was originally written for instagram. 

(originally written, that felt old)

But anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and I'd love your opinions on it!

And remember that life goes on. It may feel tough. It may feel that all the forces of universe are against you. It may feel that you will never be able to smile again. Or laugh. Or love.

It will get better, eventually. Maybe not today, not tomorrow, not next week. But one day, you will find yourself smiling, and you will realize that it doesn't hurt that much anymore.

It's still there, forever tattooed in your heart, and you will never forget. It just doesn't hurt as much.

For the world, you are someone. But for someone, you are the world.

I love you :)

~ Ebba

That Should Be Me (a Narry triangle)Where stories live. Discover now