Everything get's awkward. Yay.

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     I found a pic of the castle. This. So great.


     I heard Ash shift. I didn't look up. He came over, touching my hand. I tensed, making my little ball slightly smaller.

     "Hey, it's ok. I caused you so much pain. I'm sorry." His voice was soft.

     It's strange...I'd gotten used to the cold cruel version. I laughed, despite the circumstances. The last time I laughed or even smiled was so many years ago...I've lost count. His arms wrapped around me. I'm breaking down. Shattering. Everything has happened so quickly. It's too much to handle. I'd stopped bleeding but I'm still really weak. I could smell it. My blood is everywhere. I loosened, wrapping my arms around Phoenix.

     "I missed you. So much." I said, tears wetting his bloodied tuxedo.

      "I know, I missed you too. Can you stand?" He asked, lightly pulling away to look at me. My fangs and eyes were normal now. I shook my head, embarrassed, looking down. I'm too weak. He's always so much stronger...

     "Sorry...I ju-"

     "Hey, it's ok." He smiled, quickly picked my up princess (Ha ha ha. Get it? 'Cus I am a princess? No? Sorry...) style. I cried out, surprised, clinging to him. He laughed and I looked at him, face turning red. I buried my face in his chest, drawing my hands between us, turned in him, hiding. I winced. My back still hurts. A lot.

      I heard the door opened and I let go of him, still in his arms. I looked up at him and his smile fell, eyes going hard. I did see the ghost of one. Oh right, appearances. I leaned my head against his chest, wincing again. It was Jordan and Damion. Their eyes widened at the sight of all the blood. I mean, it's not covering everything but still. It's a lot.

     "What-" Jordan started, stopping when he'd seen me. Tears filled my eyes again, the moment of high leaving, being replaced by fear and pain, as well as the memories of what had been done to me...and what I'd done to Phoenix. Klaus...he's still somewhere nearby. He has my sword...and he can use it.

      "The hell happened here?" Damion asked, stepping forward.

     "I-I...uh..." What do I say? Hey I'm Juliet Lockhart, you know. The girl who was supposed to be killed? Yea, the pure-blood princess. Oh by the way, the one who killed my parent's is the royal adviser, Klaus. Oh! And he's going to kill Phoenix's family and I with my own sword. He can wield it because he has my pendant dipped in my blood. Erm...guess I could've said that. Oh well. I Don't have the courage now.

     Luckily, or...not. Really not. Klaus walked in calmly. Whatever happiness I'd felt left, cold reality rushing it to take it's place. Klaus. I pushed on Ash's chest and he set me down. I forced myself to stand on my own. He'd lost the sword and changed his clothes. True the back of my shirt had been sliced, but I'm pretty sure that my shirt had stayed almost completely intact, not showing how injured I really am.

     "Hello sir." My voice was calm, composed. I forced my anger not to rise. Fear did race through me, though. And there's nothing I can do about it. Damion, Jordan, and probably Ash were looking confused, trading looks. I have to keep Klaus from touching any of them, although he was just a few feet from Jordan. He smirked, cruel. He knows what I'm going to do, and caught everyone by surprise (well, except me) and he used his speed, catching Jordan and holding a blade to his neck, making everyone freeze.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now