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     Eventually, we left, Ash making me have a decent meal with him (after clarifying that it was not, in fact, poison). It was good, and I don't remember the last time I ate or drank anything. The food was good, as was the blood Ash didn't give me a choice with. I regained my strength, my body still wasn't healed but I was no longer as weak. I also discovered that even in human form I'm still vampire if that makes sense. I'm faster, but weaker. My mind is just as good as when I am pure-blood, but my body is weaker. My blood doesn't give as much power, but it's still addicting. I get hurt easily, however, I heal faster than a human but slower than a vampire. Hybrid. Yay.

     The week seemed to crawl by, but was over before I knew it, it was over, and the gala's tomorrow. Saturday. I hid it well, but I was super paranoid and careful. I saw Elizabeth and Lily a couple times, racing around the halls. I kept up my appearance, smiling at the ground, everyone but the people we told believing the lie.

     Friday night. Friday night none of us could sleep. Not like we do much of that anyway, but nerves made us all a little on-edge. Jordan was curled up on Damion's lap, them sitting on Ash's bed together. Ash was pacing around the room, and I was leaning on the wall. We stayed like that for hours. I think it's, what, two in the morning now? Jordan and Damion were telling God-awful jokes and we were all laughing. We were all stressed too much, and they were doing a good job of breaking the tension. They're so perfect for each other. It's adorable. Ash collapsed on the floor and I darted over, worried about him.

     He pulled me down on top of him and I screamed, surprised. The three of them laughed as Ash rolled around on the floor with me in his arms. I laughed, lightly hitting his chest. After he stopped I looked over his shoulder to Jordan was blushing  arms around Damion's neck, pulling him down to his level and kissing him, deeply. My faced turned bright red and I hid in Ash's chest. He laughed, pulling me in tighter. I was on my left side, and he was on his right. Stuff like that...I get embarrassed. It's embarrassing in itself, this making it more so. He let me go and I stood up, my back to the couple making out on the bed. I padded over to the window, moving the curtain slightly to look out at the sky gaining color from the rising sun. It's beautiful, breathtaking.

     I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned a bit, Ash looked at me, a bit surprised. I gave him a questioning look and smiled. Suddenly he leaned down and his lips met mine. I stood there, frozen like an idiot. He leaned back, taking a step back, a blush creeping on his face.

     "I'm sorry. I didn't - I don't know what came over me and-" I pulled his shirt down to my level and cut him off, kissing him. He smiled and kissed back. The feeling of happiness and warmth was overwhelming. My arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist, making the distance between us shrink.

     We broke apart and I realized that there was cheering coming from behind Ash. I blushed and buried my face in Ash's chest. I'd forgotten about Jordan and Damion.

     "I knew it! You owe me $20. Pay up." Jordan said and Damion groaned. There was a crinkle of paper as money changed hands. They bet on this?!

     "What the hell?! You guys bet on this?!" Ash said, clearly also embarrassed, if only slightly.

     "Yes! We've been shippin Ashliet since day 1!" Jordan said, laughing. I'm going to die of embarrassment. WHY DO THEY HAVE A SHIP NAME?!?!

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now