The Seeds are Planted.

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     I feel nauseous, my nerves out of control. I waited, hidden in the sidelines of their conversation, picking up on how truly important the people they're talking to are. If I can just slip them up. If I can get them to say the wrong thing I can chip away the lies and expose the truth.

     "Ah, yes. Running this fine land is quite enjoyable-"

     "You only rule from killing the true rulers." I whispered almost silently.

     "and the subjects are good vampires, we rule for them." They just carried on, my statement making little difference, if they'd even heard it. Apparently they did because as soon as they saw me shock ran across both their faces.

     "What? Surprise your little knight didn't kill me? Well, once I told him my name, he let me go. Or rather, I didn't give him much of a choice in the matter. I am a-"

     "Alright, that's enough wench." The King spoke once more, cutting me off. I smirked. I turned to the couple esteemed guests who stood there unsure of the best course of action. I mean, a 'wench' talking to the King and Queen like this? Who would know what to do?

     "I wonder, where is the crowned Prince? Have you seen Prince Ashborne as of late? We have some...things to discuss." I asked sweetly, venom in my voice. It's not directed to them, I made sure to direct it all to the King and Queen. I will avenge my parents.

     "No, he has not made an appearance excluding when he disappeared earlier." A woman said. I paid no mind to who they were, what they looked like, or what they were wearing. My nerves were making my body vibrate, not quite shake. I took a breath, calming a bit. I was still tense. There was no helping that.

     "What do you wish girl." The King asked, his jaw tight, voice strained.

     "I wish for nothing but a single, humble request." I said, bowing deeply since my dress didn't allow much else. With my head down, I smirked. I'm gonna do it. "I would like, your grace, to have the ability to rule my realm for my family once more."

     "What the hell is this? Your highness, please explain this. Girl, who do you think you are?" Another man asked. I stood, looking at the King to see how he responds.

     "She is diluted,  spouting nothing but nonsense." The Queen said, her tense as well.

     "I merely jest, the young Juliet Lockhart is set to rule, yes?" I ask, still smiling.

     "If the late princess were still alive, then surely yes. But sadly, she was killed in her childhood along with the rest of her family." The King said, relaxing a bit.

     "But if she were." I said, lightly probing.

     "But she is not." The King said curtly.

     "Ah, but she is. She walks amongst us in this fine castle of hers. Rumor has it that she's remembered and wants to take her rightful place as ruler of this beautiful realm." I said, smiling and curtsying to the small group that had gathered. I can't just come out and say it, the seeds are planted. 

     I turned and left, leaning heavily on the wall outside. It feels like I'm going to pass out, but I grinned with joy. Rumors will spread and I'll finally be able to take my place on the throne of my family, and live up to the legacy. I will be able to take my place, and once more the Lockharts' reign shall live once again. I will rule this realm.

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