Josiah and Krystal.

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     900 something update, 300 more than my minimum. I'm probably going to go back down but didn't want to stop at a mere 600 or 700 something. Working on the next chapter already, hoping to make up for lost time. Thanks for the support. Enjoy!


     I woke up alone, the room an eerie silent. It didn't last for long, because Ash stepped out of the shower, steam following behind him. He was wearing black skinny jeans and drops of water ran down his chiseled body. There was a towel on his head to try to adsorb some of the water from his dripping, midnight black, hair. He's barefoot, the prominent v-line going into his jeans. My face heated up and I sunk into the sheets. I was still jumpy, but Ash is ok...right? He won't hurt me? I'm safe right? I'm ok?

     "Hey, Juliet. You ok? Want to talk about it?" Ash said softly, pulling on a shirt and stepping forward, the towel around his neck. I shook my head, my bangs hiding my eyes. I gripped the blanket, holding it around me. It was my shield, the thing guarding me from the dangers of the outside world.

      He walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed. I tensed, but swallowed the fear, forcing myself to bottle it up with everything else. I squirmed around, my jeans already re-done but my hands were still shaking too bad for my belt. My clothes were still in shreds, but hid most of my body. I still felt overly exposed, even under the sheet, and filthy. I wish he'd stop looking at me like that.

     "Hey...can I...?" He asked, reaching out to touch me. I nodded, looking down, releasing my death grip on the sheets protecting me. Gotta let my physical guard down sometime, but I increased my mental one.

     He gently pulled on the hem of the sheet and my face lit on fire. I let it fall, exposing the bruises under the torn, rumbled clothes. I winced as the cool air hit them. Ash inhaled sharply, leaning back. I drew my knees to my chest, curling up and hiding again. I knew this would happen. I put my head down, tears finding their way from my eyes. Why did I trust him? I knew it was stupid. I'm stupid. I shook my head, curling up tighter. Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit. I'm so fucking stupid!

     "Juliet..." His voice was laced with concern and worry. He touched my shoulder and I jumped, instantly curling up again. "Come on, please..."

     I slowly relaxed, looking up at him. My own eyes widened, tears still streaming down my cheeks. Ash's eyes glistened with tears. Never, ever, have I seen him cry. I wiped my face. He's to be trusted. It's ok. I sat cross-legged, looking at him. He looked my over, gingerly touching the hem of my shirt. His eyes went hard and he stood, turning away. Terrified of him leaving me, I reached out and grabbed the hem of his shirt. He turned around, surprised. I looked down, still holding his shirt.

     "It's ok. I'm just grabbing something." He said, gently taking my small hand from his shirt.

     I nodded, sitting back. He came back less than a second later with one of his black hoodies (the one that's an actual hoodie, not a jacket with a hood). I pulled it over my head, pulling up the hood. It was huge on my. The hood blocking my eyes. The sleeves went well over my hands and the hem would probably go past mid-thigh. I shrunk inside of it, content. It smelled like Ash, who (ironic I know) smelled like a bonfire in a meadow just after rain. The smoke was undertone, like it had rain had put out the fire and now there were just embers and ash. Deep I know, but it was mostly the meadow. I loved it. He chuckled lightly, pulling the hood from my face. Mumbling something about how it's a little big on him and how I'm so small (which isn't true, I just have a small frame). There was a knock at the door and I pulled Ash's shirt so he'd sit down in front of me. I, like a child, hid behind him. He chuckled lightly again, letting me stay there.

     "Come in." Ash's voice vibrated through me. I felt safer, no matter how immature and childish I was being.

     "Hey, she awake?" Jordan asked. I looked out from behind Ash and both Damion and Jordan's face lit up. With them there were two people, a guy who's not pale not tan (dark brown hair) and a really dark skinned woman (black hair, bottom of shoulder blades in length). They're both in their twenties (beautiful, but their vampires, so whats new) and holding hands. Her diamond ring and his gold band glinted. Their a married couple. Even after just meeting them, they already seem like a nice couple.

     Jordan was in a white graphic t-shirt, black skinny jeans, barefoot. Damion was wearing a deep blue t-shirt, navy jeans, also barefoot. The woman was wearing a dark grey-blue blouse, black jeans and her husband a simple black t-shirt and darkish blue jeans. None of us were wearing shoes. My own bare feet were tucked under me, some of my orange hair falling out of the hoodie. All four of them were smiling widely, Jordan and Damion smiling with relief.

     "Ok so this is Krystal, and this is Josiah." Damion said, motioning to the woman then the man. He turned back to me. "Now would you like to say something?"

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