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     OK YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HARD IT WAS TO FIND THIS. Seriously, this chapter took a long time, not the actual typing. The finding of the damn picture. I mean Jegus. ( <-- }:D ) But yea...anyway. Enjoy.

     I apologize for the long wait. My life (haha I don't have one) is interfering. There might be some more long waits to come. Sorry. I would like to remind you. All titles, parentheses, and everything not set apart by the little squiggly thingies (~) are all from her pov. Her thoughts. Also: sleep deprived. Keep that in mind. Thanks, sorry, I'll shut up and let you read.

     LATER (sorta) EDIT: Pic/title didn't save and don't remember org. Sorry.


     I felt myself being dragged to my feet, what? I was dragged over, Ash was yelling something, I think. I forced myself to look up, trying to fight. Klaus smiled down at me, Damion screaming on the ground. The syringe. It wasn't empty so he didn't use enough to kill. Wait...no. I found a little bit of strength, struggling when Klaus stepped forward.

     "If you would have just died the first time, I wouldn't have to make you go through all this." He stabbed my neck and my ability to breathe escaped. When he pushed the plunger down my eyes widened and my ability to control my body dissipated at well, I went limp, held up by the ninjas.

     Then the shock left and I lost myself. Pain coursed through me, the acid melting me the same time my body healed itself, the cycle continuing. There was pure, white-hot fire coursing through me as the acid courses through my bloodstream. Nothing else existed, all I could feel was burning from the inside out, it's killing me.

     Blackness consumed me, I can't breath. I feel a beating in my hears slow to a halt.

     The damage done may heal, but traces of the acid will always stay, sending pain at random intervals. Supposedly, my body will be weaker. I don't know about the speed but the strength will diminish. Great, I was weak already. I get to train a lot more...yay. Also, my blood is supposed to become even more addicting and delicious, because of some reason having to do with the irony. Just kidding, I have no idea. Guess I'll never find out if I do die.

     I feel like fate is aligned with Klaus and fighting Phoenix over whether I die or not, and I'm the rope in their little tug-of-war. Man this sucks (OH I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE THAT PUN OMG I'M A GENIUS HAHAHAHAhahaha...sorry...sorry...).

     Something warm filled my mouth and made it's way down my throat. As soon as I tasted it I had to have more. When I recognized what it was I tried to force myself to stop. My eyes flew open and sure enough, Ash was holding his wrist to my mouth. There was broken bodies of ninja and Klaus on the ground, tied to prevent escape. The battle is over, Phoenix won the tug-of-war. I weakly pushed away and he let me. He didn't let go but just held me. I'm still weak. Oh lord I hope I'm not going to be this weak forever. That would su (haha just kidding nope)-be rather unfortunate.

     I saw the King and Queen untied and yelling at some guards, not paying any attention to Ash or I. Damion and Jordan were next to us. Damion was back on his feet but leaning heavily on Jordan, whose eyes were still crimson. Damion looked to be hanging by a thread, but managed to smile up at Jordan, who was taller now because, again, Damion was leaning heavily on Jordan, making his height shrink a bit.

     Jordan still looked furious but held his temper, smirking at Damion. They Jordan leaned down and kissed Damion. I looked away, what little blood I had left rushing to my face. Ash laughed at me, he's looking a bit pale himself. We've both lost too much blood today, but he was still going strong. I smiled softly and curled up against him, weak but content.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now