I deserve it. They're right.

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     Fear gripped me. I have to hide it because right now, Devitt can't see me but Ash can. I started to shake, hiding that by resisting, just a little. Devitt's grip tightened.

     "She seems to be stronger. Just a taste. I won't kill her." Devitt knows something is up. It's a test. Dammit. (Ignore the next sentence if you don't mind.) Dammit dammit dammit dammit I fucking hate shit like this BS, dammit! (Thanks.)  I flashed a quick smile to Ash, reassuring. Come on, you would say yes. Ignore my name. Come on.

     "Whatever." He turned around and shut the door.

     I breathed (ok I thought) a sigh of relief. He started dragging me away. My breath hitched and fear mounted when he put a hand over my eyes. DAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT. FU-dge. Fudge. Yes. He dragged me around a bit further. Everything I tried to walk I stumbled or he slammed me into a wall or tightened his grip or something so I just gave up. He stopped and a door opened. Welp. Shit. I was thrown in, on the ground. I slid. It's marble? Polished stone? I cried out as I'm picked up and shoved against the wall. Hard. Guess he doesn't care.

     "They've been talking about you. About your...blood." As soon as he said that I shuddered. But at his next comment, my blood turned to ice. "But I want more. I want you."

       Oh Juliet run away! Oh no really? He's too close. Really creepy. About to blow my cover. If I can. I don't understand, I feel human. I swear. If I'm  still half-human BS or like human now pure-blood princess later. I want to punch something. But what will that accomplish? Nothing. Because I'm human.

     His cold hand slid under my shirt and was right below my ribs. I shivered, going on my toes and going into the wall (ok I didn't but I tried). My stomach dropped. Too close. Way too close. My face is on fire, my blood ice. He leaned in, kissing my neck.

     "S-sir p-please!" I struggled, trying to push him away. The lights are still off, the room pitch black. My super-ninja vampire eyes were working, so that's a plus...ish. No, rather be blind. His other hand pulled both of mind above my head. "S-sir-"

     "Shut. Up." He kissed my neck, moving down to my shirt collar, tearing it slightly with his teeth. Terror coursed through me. I'm frozen.

     "No stop!"

     "I warned you-"


     He kissed me, forcing me to comply. I still can't handle any type of contact. I can't-

     "It's your fault. Slut." Tears filled my eyes. He kissed my neck again, his other hand sliding to my back and pressing me against him. Memories filled my mind. The fear and the pain multiplying. He's right...

     I cried out, his fangs sinking into my neck. Pain ripped through me. I shook. He let me go, the wound healing. He pinned me to the ground. I fought. I tried to say something but he kissed me again and again. His hand slid up my stomach to right below my chestplate, between my ribcage.

     "You're just a filthy whore." He whispered in my ear. I stopped fighting. He's right. The man that raised me is right. Nothing more, nothing less. I'll never be good enough. I'll always be a useless, filthy whore. His knee rose, brushing against the inside of my legs. His hand slid down to my belt. I closed my eyes.

     "Pl-" He kissed me again. He didn't let up. His grip on my tightened. My face is in flames. He won't let me go. I can't...I can't breathe.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now