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     "No problem, it's fine. I'm the same way." I laughed, poking Jordan as Damion walked into the bathroom. I heard water running and the splash against the tub. After a couple minutes, Jordan had really fallen back asleep beside me and I just watched his chest rise and fall. The water shut off and I looked at the door open, Damion walking out. His hair was wet and he's barefoot with black jeans and a dark red hoodie with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. There was a black towel around his neck.

     "So I took a shower and filled the tub. I don't know why he doesn't expect it, this is usually what happens." Damion shook his head and little drops of water fell around him.

     Jordan's getting dunked. Damion picked him up, slipping the pillow from the sleeping boy's arms. He stayed asleep, his head on Damion's chest. I stood and followed Damion, staying in the doorway looking in. Their bathroom and color scheme of the room is the same as Ash's but less...fancy, although I guess that's not the right word. The tub wasn't super deep but it's pretty big. Damion smiled, holding Jordan above the water. Damion dropped him and the water splashed over the edge. Damion jumped back so neither of us got wet but Jordan was completely submerged. He gasped and scrambled out.

     "That's fucking cold you bastard!" Jordan screamed, Damion and I laughing. My side hurt and Jordan just sat on the ground, soaked. His face was bright red in embarrassment. Damion and I calmed down in a little bit. I tossed a towel at Jordan and it landed on his head, blocking his face. I ducked out, shutting the door when Damion knelt to help out his lover.

     I snuck away to Damion's room and took a shower. I put on shorts and a t-shirt of theirs, seeing as I don't have many options. Plain black shirt and my shorts from yesterday. The shirt was big, but I really don't care. I came back into the room and found them sparring on the carpet. Jordan is wearing another graphic t-shirt, torn up black jeans, and barefoot. They stopped once Damion flipped his boyfriend over his shoulder. Again. Jordan groaned and rolled on his side, in pain and trying to regain the breath that had been knocked from him.

     "Hey." I smiled. I heard a knock and Jordan motioned for me to go to the hallway thingy. The door is hidden from view when you first walk in by a dresser. There are lights inside, but it's still pretty eerie since I have no idea who it is. The door opened and I jumped, not expecting it. Alexander stood before me, grinning. I smiled again. "Hi."

     "Jordan, Damion, you allowed this outfit? No. Come here." I rolled my eyes as Alex pushed me back into the room. Fashion is their thing. I don't fight it most of the time and they would always make sure we were always presentable.

     After a lot of fussing and arguing, Damion disappeared to get whatever they'd decided on and Jordan put my hair in some tiny braids and then a big braid he brushed over my shoulder, my hair still a little wet. I found the entire processes boring. I shot them down when they started with makeup. Nope. Never been that much of a fan. Damion came back and I got pushed into the bathroom to change. We were all laughing, they were having fun and I was too.

     I looked in the mirror and just stared. There were curls cascading down my shoulders, my eyelashes a natural black (like mascara), my lips were rosy, and there was a natural blush across my pale complexion. I put on the dress they'd given me, as well as dark tights, and the black leather riding type boots. I just stared in the mirror. I was...beautiful?

     I stepped out with my head down and face reddening. Alex whistled and I stepped back inside, closing the door. There was laughter on the other side and my face flamed. I smiled. Four of the five...I guess that's the best I could ask for.

     "I'm sorry, please come back out?" Alexander asked, knocking on the door. Jordan and Damion were still laughing, although they were trying their best to control it. I opened the door and cried out when Jordan picked me up, spinning me around. I clung to him so I didn't fall, laughing.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now