I hate attention.

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     The pain almost brought me to my knees but I forced myself to stay upright, silent, and composed. I started to get light headed, I can't breathe. They haven't noticed, thankfully. Maybe I'll get lucky and the pain will kill me. I don't know. All I know is that all I've ever done is be a problem. No one wants me. No one loves me. In all honesty they might not even note I'm gone. I really should have died earlier. I have to protect those I care about. I have to die to let them live.

     "My parents would never do that. They wouldn't." Ash's composure is cracking. Everything is starting to click. But why. And how deep does it run. If it got this high up the ladder, how many more rungs are rotted?

     "I'm sorry Ashborne, but it's true." Jason's  voice was sympathetic. I gasped slightly, my vision going out for a second. I can't break down right now. Pheonix...I can't...not to him. The pain is almost too much and now this? My mind is frozen, unable to process anything. I used the still-growing pain to get out of my daze. My body felt like it was ripping itself apart, almost the same as a pure-blood vampire bite. The Stoneshires...trying to kill me? Why?

     "I don't understand..." My voice was weak, inaudible. Jason's head snapped up like he had forgotten I was there. Apparently Ash had as well, by how he turned around. Welp. Ok then. Guess it won't be that hard to disappear.

     "What? Wait, who are you?" Jason said and was instantly in front of me. I yelped, fear almost overpowering the pain. The pain won out and now it's worsening. I really, really hope the attacks are not like this one every time. I can't...I can't breathe.

     "She was my slave." I was looking down, right clutching my left side. The wall is still the only thing keeping me upright. The room is dark, lights really dim. I winced. The pain grew, but my heart and head started to feel like they were being stabbed.

      "Was? What is she now?" Jason touched my chin and pain raced through me. He's going to hurt me. I don't...I can't...I froze, the terror, the pain. A trail of blood ran from my mouth and I fell to my knees, my head in my left, free, hand. My right still clutching my side. My mind is drawing a blank. My vision is blurring. I still. Can't. Breathe.

     "I'm...not sure." Ash's voice was cold. He knelt down next to me, pulling my to him. Both hands went to my head. It feels like it's going to explode. My head was in his arms, my back on his legs. I turned (right) into his (right) shoulder, muffling already quiet groan of pain. He held me, lightly pressing me into him. He leaned down, softly whispering in my ear. "Hey, shh. It's ok. You're ok. I'm here. You're ok. Shh..."

     I was shaking, struggling to regain...well, anything. My ability to breathe was still sub-par, but the pain was beginning to lessen. My body was more tense than I realize, muscles loosening, strength draining.

     "I'm...sorry. I didn't mean...you should be allowed to feel, not me. You were just told your parents tried to kill me and my parents and I have an acid attack. I'm so sorry...I-"

     "Stop it. It's ok. Rest. I've got you. You're ok." Ash's words were soft, gentle. He loosened his grip and let me rest in his arms. Again, my mind didn't want to, but my body rebelled against me and listened to Ash, relaxing and falling asleep.

     It hurts, knowing that his words are untrue, and that to protect him, I have to die, leaving him. Forever.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now