A promise sworn to be kept.

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     Yes, it's 11:17 at night. No, I don't sleep. Yes, I do have school tomorrow. Yes, I do have homework I was supposed to do but have not. No, at this point I don't care. No, I do not, in fact, have a life.


     I curled up tighter, most of the shock passing, my emotions flowing. I hate it. Jordan stepped forward, making me tense. Damion grabbed his wrist, shaking his head when Jordan looked back to question. The room was filled with a tense silence. I'm breaking apart, and I'm not sure if I can be fixed this time. The entire room was blurry, the tears obstructing my vision. I have no desire to say a word, if I could. My vampiric form was draining, sending shoots of pain through my body. It sent more tears, as realization set in.

     I can't stay in my vampire form for long, it's too draining and the acid affects (or effects...maybe...whatever) me more. My human form isn't enough. I'm a hybrid. My vocal cords seemed to be healed, but this...this event...it doesn't matter. I don't want to speak. This is my fault. Everything that's happened to me has stemmed from something I've done. Maybe if I don't talk...I can't screw up as much?

     Jordan stepped forward again. This time, I didn't move. Their gay. They won't take pleasure in me. It's ok. It's fine. You're alright. I put my head down in defeat. Chanting my mantra. It's ok. You're fine. They won't hurt you. Dark Jordan isn't around, and I'm no longer his target. It's ok. They want to help. I feel disgusting. Unfit to look at. I'd wish they'd stop staring.

     A hand lightly touched my shoulder and I jumped, fear filling me. I looked up to see Damion, with Jordan looking over his shoulder. They both looked really worried. I curled up again, hands around my stomach, knees drawn up, head down. I felt the bed dip as he sat next to me and I couldn't help wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his chest.

     "It's ok. It's not your fault." Damion said softly. I shook my head.

     It is my fault. After a couple seconds all the shock had passed and I leaned back. I put my head in my hands. The sheet was still around me, hiding the fact that my belt was undone and clothes were torn. I looked up at the two of them, terrified, hurt, and exhausted. My eyes morphed back to their steel grey. All my strength was drained as my vampiric side left. My eyes closed and my body fell backwards so I was going to hit the headboard, but I was caught. My body was too tired to even be scared as I was lowered to the bed.

     "You're ok. We'll keep you safe. Ok? I promise, you won't be hurt. I swear it." It was Ash. I didn't respond. I was wrapped in blankets and warmth enveloped me.

     "Hey, Ash, she'll recover soon enough." Damion said.

     "She's scared of me."

     "She won't be scared forever. Devitt just...well, he opened old wounds while making his own. She's scarred Ash, broken. It's your job to fix her. Your her prince, she's your princess. You two need each other."

     "It's ok, she should be at least a little better by tomorrow. Don't move her for now ok? We'll work this out tomorrow, the four of us, ok? We might need some outside help." Jordan.

     "You think we should bring Josiah in this? He's the royal advisory now, and Krystal is the Countess who's the most trustworthy. She's just here for a bit, but I still think it'd be worthwhile, seeing as she's Josiah's wife and will hear about it either way." Damion.

     "Whatever you think is wise. I should get some work done, make necessary arrangements. Dismissed." Ash's voice was curt, uncaring.

     "Certainly, Your Royal Highness." Jordan and Damion both said in unison. I guess...I guess that Ash has his royal fits often. I can't...so tired...darkness and warmth enveloped me.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now