My own entourage. How nice.

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     I'M SO SORRY. For the past 3 days, I've been in a cabin in the woods with the family (ew social) without WiFi (eww). On top of that, the chapter I wrote to publish when I got back went and self-destructed. So I have to write a new one. After forgetting EVERYTHING. So yea, I should spam-update but I'm sorry. I'll try to make it up to you.

     BTW I choose this one because this is her mood in the end, their both gingers, Dr. Who why the fuck not, Amy Pond hell yes. Any comments, complaints, questions, or concerns? No? Ok, good.


     I did manage to get a couple steps before the king pinned me with a simple, terrifying, glare. I offered a weak smile, that basically said 'Well, what are you going to do?'. It made him even more angry. Welp. Dammit.

     "Get him out of here." The King said and from nowhere knights came and grabbed Ash, who was resisting, in shock. I tried to run forward but another knight's arms wrapped around my waist, pinning my arms to my side, and pulled me off the ground. I fought.

     "Ashborne!" My voice cracked from misuse and emotion.

     The knight pulled me away and one of the knights stabbed Ash in the neck, pushing down the plunger of the syringe. Ash's wide golden eye's color flickered before turning to their blue. His eyes closed and his body went limp and my own fight weakened, the arms around my waist tightening. I gave up and tears slid down my face. He set me down and my head stayed bowed to the King and Queen in front of me. My arms were roughly tied behind my back and I winced when I was pushed forward.

     I'd stopped crying, shoving most of those emotions behind a wall. The King touched my chin, making me look up at him. I stared, even glared, back. He looked me over for a second before his hand whipped across my face and I went flying. I cried out as my shoulder slammed into the ground.

     "Get her out of here." The King ordered.

     I was dragged to my feet and pushed forward. A knight in front, a knight behind. I kept my head down and shuddered as I realized the direction their pushing me means I have to go through the damned Gala. Shit. When the doors opened and I was shoved through I didn't get nearly as many looks as I'd thought, but the few I got were the few that made my face light on fire.

     "Hey, wait up!" Jordan called out. No one cared, but when the knight in front stopped I ran into him, then backed up into the other guy. I found the center soon enough but still.

     "What do you want." The knight in front of me turned around. I kept myself forward and my eyes on the ground. I just want to leave, I don't even care I just want to leave.

     "Where are you taking her? What happened to Prince Ashborne?" Jordan asked and I saw Damion put a hand on his shoulder, a sign that it's not the smartest to push. I smirked.

     "Ah, her?" I was shoved backwards, then forwards, then back, then forward, then back, then caught. Arms wrapped around me and the knights chuckled. I didn't even try. No point. I shot Jordan a glare as he tried to reach out. He backed away in shock. I just smirked. I got led out the rest of the way. I really could care less at this point.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now