I run into a guy named Alexander, because that's just what I need.

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     "What does that mean." Jeez, what is with the questions turned to statements? (Note the question mark.) I mean really.

     "Nothing, never mind." I looked back down. Should I tell him? Should I tell them all? Should I step up? Sit in the throne? (Wow, so many questions. None of which are a statement.) Maybe...but am I strong enough? Fuck it. I have to. I closed my eyes and took a breath, trying to focus.

     "It's not simply nothing, what the hell does that mean." His voice was pushing me. I bit my lip. Dammit.  What do I do? Fuck it. Fuck it all. Dammit. I turned my eyes gold, then looked up at him.

     "My name is Juliet Lockhart. I am marked for execution because as a child, I lived. I know too much, therefore, the people in my throne want me dead." I stated blankly. I broke the ropes tying my wrist, freeing me. I pulled the still sopping wet hair from my face and leaned back in the chair, rubbing my wrists. His jaw was slack, him still crouching before me. I moved my legs so I was cross-legged. I took off one shoe and dumped out the small amount of water. I did the same with the other, pulling them both back on my feet. My tights were still slippery from 1) being tights and 2) them still wet. I blinked my eyes back to there silver-green so I didn't loose too much strength.

     "W-what. Are - are you serious?" He was laughing. Huh, I didn't expect that. He stood, still laughing. I kept my mouth shut and just waited for him to shut the fu - freak - up and realize that I was 100% no bull-shit serious. He stopped and stared at me wide-eyed. "Well damn."


     "Well, what the hell does that do? Telling me. It doesn't do anything. Hell, I can't do anything. I was given an order. There's not much I am able to do." He said, standing in front of me.

     "I know. I'm sorry. I need to begin to spread the word, take back what's rightfully mine. I have to...I have to take back the throne. My throne. I have to take back my kingdom, my realm." I said, standing. I began to walk around him, pulling my still sopping wet hair in a messy side braid. It dripped into my still thoroughly soaked-through dress. It's fucking freezing dammit! At least I got the water from my shoes.

     He didn't try to stop me as I ran from the dungeon and slowed to a jog as soon as I got lost, so quickly. I turned around in circles so I was walking backwards. I rubbed up and down my arms, trying to re-gain some warmth. My eyes widened and I realized where I was, thankfully, and turned around, jogging faster to a run. I ran into someone and we both fell.

     I scrambled backwards, bumping into a wall. The teenage boy on the floor was still. He was in a black suit, crimson dress shirt and tie. Silk, expensive. He's a noble. There is no necklace around his neck, only the royal family and back-up royals. No idea who he is. I might have hurt him. Oh no.

     "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" I asked frantically, not moving from the wall. I jumped when he started to laugh. He just laughed and rolled over, pushing himself up to his feet.

     "It's alright, I'm fine. Are you?" He asked, offering me a hand up. He has a really prevalent British accent. Almost as much as Ash's when he was a child. I nodded, taking his hand. He's taller (by a couple inches) than me, older. (Dammit all the vampires who aren't children are taller and older than me! Not fair! I call BS! And where the hell are all the girls? Oh wait, men have more power. Nah, it's just women don't care enough, and those who do don't tend to make an appearance. There are some greedy bastards this high up on the food chain. Too much of a hassle. The young people don't want to waste their time, and guys are just naturally taller than girls. Yes it sucks.) "I'm Alexander, what's your name?"

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now