We trust more people. Hurray...

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     I shook my head, moving so I was more visible. Do they know who I am? Can they be trusted?

     "Um...ok. Sorry, anyway, uh. Would you like to introduce yourself, majesty, or shall I?" Damion asked, Jordan moving to shut the door. It took me a second before I realized that he was talking to me. Huh. I forgot my status, and now I remember why I dislike it so much. My eyes narrowed. "Sorry, sorry. Yea they can be trusted. I know you dislike letting more people know but it can't be helped. We like it just as much as you do."

     "What do you mean? What's going on?" The man, Josiah asked.

     I sighed, closing my eyes and focusing. Like anyone will believe me if I don't show them, and I still have no desire to speak, I'm not sure I could if I tried. I opened my eyes to show them now being a brilliant gold, before blinking the vampiric side away again, before I became too drained. Both Josiah and Krystal's jaw dropped in shock. I nodded at Jordan. I guess, to them at least, I'm much more readable than I had hoped. I mean, growing up as close-knit as we had was a bonus but still.

     I stepped out, standing up. The hoodie did drape down to a little past mid-thigh and managed to cover all the rips in my clothes. I'd fixed my belt already, a lot tighter than it needed to be. I smirked, as Jordan and Damion went all formal, offering a bow before standing upright. By now it's habit in the presence of other people to bow to Ash, but with me? It still felt weird. Guess it'll take some getting used to.

     "Let me introduce, the long lost princess of the vampiric realm, Juliet Lockhart." Ash said, standing. Him being all dramatic and just to annoy me (like he did when we were kids), knelt in front of me. Soon enough they were all kneeling and I felt awkward, standing there. In an over-sized hoodie. Probably looking like a mess. I even felt pale and weak. My face heated up and I nudged Ash with my foot, making him rise, and nodding for everyone else to get up.

     "Juliet? I can't believe you're alive! I thought somebody had k-"

     "Yes. They did. Klaus. That matter is taken care of, however, another has arisen." Damion cut Josiah off. He nodded, both him and his wife turning grim. I slipped away to take a quick shower while everyone got caught up. Getting out in less time than I thought, I slipped on a pair of skinny jeans, a black long-sleeve t-shirt, and I put Ash's hoodie back on. It was comforting.

     "Well, we have to tell someone!" A voice floated through the door. Josiah?

     "No! We can't put her at risk! Rumors are already circulating, but they're all a dead end. How long will that last?! How long until they all lead back to her?! She's not ready to be ruler yet! She'd be killed!" I think it was Ash. Even though they're true, they still kind of hurt to hear. I didn't mind, though, again, they're true.

     "We can't just keep this a secret! Klaus tried to kill her twice! And then Devitt did that?! You're not protecting her enough as it is! This pretense that nothing's changed is only causing problems and may do more harm than good!"

     "This pretense is the only reason she's alive right now! She's still weak! Her vampire side isn't strong enough to fully take over yet! You have no idea what you're talking about!"

     "You're right, I don't. I'm sorry. It's just, she's alive, we have to figure out a working method to keep her that way."

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now