Lack of Color.

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     Ok first things first. Triggerish warning. Ok, now that the important stuff is out of the way...comment how far Devitt should go. Stay as is or all the way, 'Steal bases.' so to speak?

     LATER EDIT: Ok so guys, the faster I get yes or no the faster I could publish another chapter. Two questions. How far should he go? AND How much detail? Thanks for all the support I really appreciate it. (Do you like me responding to all the comments? I answer as a reader unless my author skillz is required. Thanks again. Read on!)


     My hands balled into fists. I opened my eyes, forcing myself to stand, a foot from Ash and three from Devitt. I kept my head down, eyes glued to my shoes.

     "Well, I guess she's ok. What's her name anyway?" He shrunk that distance to a good 3 inches. I backed up and the back of my legs hit the bed.

     "What do you want Devitt?" His words were sharp, icy. Fear overwhelmed me. I jumped at the sudden banging at the door.

     "Sire! Come quick! Something's happened!" A voice cried out. I gave the smallest of nods, silently telling him to go.

     "Don't do anything. I'll return shortly." Ash said curtly, walking out. As soon as the door shut Devitt took another step forward and I fell back on the bed, him quickly on top of me. He pushed me up so my feet weren't on the ground and my whole body was on the bed. I did struggle, sure it was futile.

     I was much too weak to pose a real challenge. I know this, but that doesn't mean I have to accept it. Terror and fear for my life raced through me. Seconds felt like hours. I feel disgusting. My strength was diminished, my anemia wanting to take it's hold again, and I'm tempted to let it. My struggles ceased, my will to fight diminishing. He leaned down in my neck, and agony coursed through me for a second before my body went into shock. I don't know if he stopped, but I fell into the oblivion waiting to grab me and pull me under.

     I'm in a clearing in the middle of a huge forest. The sky is darkening as the sun sets. As the shadows grow the forest becomes more eerie and ominous. The clearing I stand in, once a vibrant green, is losing it's color. All the colors are draining from my surroundings, going with the dissipating light. Everything became black and white, no light cast upon the Earth's surface. There was no moon, not a single star. I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans, my feet in leather combat boots. They were once a black t-shirt, dark blue jeans, but their color is more dull. My pale skin seemed to glow, but there was no light to reflect. I could still see, despite the black setting into the landscape.

     There was no wind, but the grass and trees swayed as if there was. There was no sound, everything is silent. I walked to a tree, resting my hand on the rough bark. My footsteps were silent, leaving no trace of my existence.

     "Juliet?" A male voice rang out. I turned around. In the center of the field was Ash. I smiled, running over to him. He held out his arms and smiled in return. His arms wrapped around me and his grip was rough, painful. I looked up and saw Devitt grinning down at me. I struggled to get away. Eventually I broke free and ran into the dark forest.

     "You can run all you want. I will always find you. You are mine, girl." Devitt's voice rang out and made me run faster, my lungs and legs burning from the excretion. I tripped over a root and fell into the dried leaves and twigs. The air was knocked out of me. I turned and saw Devitt standing over me, grinning. "I told you. You can't escape me. You. Are. Mine."

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