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     I glared at him.

     "The hell is this. Klaus, not necessary." I said, stepping forward. He snickered.

     "Like you would die so easily, I have tried twice." Klaus smiled. Jordan cried out, the blade cutting his neck slightly, the venom must be burning. Blood ran down his neck. I gave Damion a look and I know he wanted desperately to move, but he stayed.

     "Well you should've killed me when I was a kid. Would've been easier huh. I mean, you got both my parents. And now you have my sword. It really shouldn't be that hard, kinda sucks you were weren't smart enough to have to kill an extra five people. When you only had to kill me, Phoenix, and his parents. You now have Jordan and Damion as well." I smirked. "Four pure-blood, two not. All vs one pure-blood. Now really, even with the royal sword, how do you think you'll win."

     "I brought some friends, of course. I'm not that much of an idiot. Oh, and I've already half-taken care of the King and Queen." His eyes turned gold and the doors opened, five crimson-eyed people dressed like ninjas (KARATE CHOP!), masks and all.

     Their steps are almost as silent as my own. They dragged the King and Queen, unconscious and tied up, and dropped them by the entrance. More hostages. Great. Like ninjas, they had samurai swords. Vampiric blades. I like the silence of that sword, and the royal sword also that style, but I'm skilled in all sword styles.

      I bit my lip, debating. What now? I'm cornered, they have us all cornered.

     "Let them go. Take me. I understand that. Why have more blood on your hands then needed." Cold. Calculating. I took another step forward and he cut Jordan again. I put my hands up, but I can't raise them higher than my shoulder, pain shooting through me. I took a single step back. "Ok. Let him go."

     "Fine." Klaus pushed Jordan into Damion, who caught him, holding him tight. Yep, pretty sure their a couple. Klaus came from nowhere, a knife hilt-deep in my stomach. Well, it's not a vampiric blade, but I'm still weak, so I'm not sure it'd make a difference.

     "Juliet!" Ash yelled, getting held back by ninjas, three of them, the other two holding back the Damion/Jordan duo. I held my hand out, basically telling them to stop. Surprise set in on Damion and Jordan's face as my name set in and everything clicked.

     "I-I'm fine..." I coughed blood, collapsing against Klaus.  He pulled the knife up and blood poured from my mouth. He threw me to the ground and I slid into the wall a short distance away. My back hit with a good amount of force.

      Jordan and Damion's eyes turned red while Ash's turned gold. My vision was starting to blur, my eyes unable to keep up with their speed. Suddenly Klaus had Damion and one of the ninjas had Jordan. There were two ninja's missing (only two on Ash now), I think their in their super speed. All I know is that Klaus has Damion and is shouting something to Jordan, who stopped struggling but glared angrily. Dark Jordan had taken over, what was making him stop? Then I noticed the syringe of clear. Vampiric acid.

     I forgot exactly what made it up but I do know to normal vampires its fatal, not so much to pure-bloods but the pain is intense, or so I've heard. Supposedly when the acid enters your bloodstream, it starts to burn you from the inside out, and your unable to move. Either pain or acid, it leaves you paralyzed and unable to speak. It is the worst of punishments, of which I've only seen one as a kid. Done to a vampire who had massacred many of his own kind and attempted to kill a noble. I think. I don't know, everything's getting really hazy.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now