Acting and Acting an Act. Yep. I'm confused too.

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     I woke up and there was a decent effort on Ash's part to get me to eat something. (Blood too, not from a body, it's decent. Good but not excellent. Still not used to that. Kinda weird right?) But whatever, most of my strength returned. The rumors were right, that vampiric stuff stays. I'm not in pain (yet) but I'm not as strong as I was, but I feel faster. Faster but weaker. Ok. Fine.

     I took a shower and pulled on a replica of my last outfit but without the rips and blood. Ash was wearing an ASH grey (hehehehe...yea that was cringe-worthy, you're welcome) looseish t-shirt, worn/faded jeans, and black shoes. Jordan was wearing a black graphic t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black hi-top converse. Damion was wearing a black t-shirt, black jeans, and black hi-top converse.

     "Hey." I said. Jordan and Damion worked on untangling themselves (they obviously didn't want to) and Ash nodded, frowning at a paper in his hand.

     "How long do you want to keep up appearances? I don't want to hurt you anymore your Majesty." Ash said, eyeing my over his paper and smirking. As kids they'd do stuff like that, knowing I hate it. I smiled. That hadn't changed.

     "As long as we need to. Our rankings are the same. I'm the human slave to the royal pure-blood vampiric prince. My body can take much more, so we have to make sure everything is the same." I told them.

     It feels like they're putting me in charge, which is a position I fear. I know Phoenix doesn't want to cause me pain but I can take it and since there is a high possibility of sympathizers we can't let on who I really am. I kinda wish we could go back to when I was human, I didn't remember, and no one knew. But what I want more than that, more than anything, that we could go back to being kids, parents. I missed much.

     "What's wrong?" Jordan seemed really concerned.

     "What?" What does he mean?

     "You're crying." Ash said, taking a step forward. I touched my cheek and pulled away, staring at my hand. My fingertips had tears on them.

     "I guess I am." I didn't notice. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me. Ash. I wrapped my arms around his waist, shaking.

     "What's wrong?" His voice was soft. He's trying to make me feel better but I'm not sure if it's working.

     "I miss them. I miss my mom, my dad. They're gone. Phoenix they're gone. They're never coming back. Their blood-"

     "Shhh. Juliet it's ok." His voice quiet, soft. I tried backing up and he let me go. I laugh, wiping my eyes.

     "Ah God. I'm sorry. Just, I don't know." I backed up, looking down. I walked out the door and was about to say something but I ran into someone. I froze, panaking. Arms wrapped tightly around me, trapping me. I can't move.

     "Well well well, what have we here?" Devitt. I am a princess. Lone heir to the throne. I shouldn't get scared. I flashed a calm look at Ash. I'm fine. Acting. 'S cool. (At least that's what I meant. I know I got the first three words.) He gave a small not, turning into a jerk (yes I can be more colorful, I choose to be a nice person so bleh).

     "We're just going to...yea. Bye." Damion said as they both ducked into their room. (Chickens! Come back out here! HALP!) I resisted and was kinda surprised by how weak I am. I mean jeez.

     "What do you want Devitt." (OOOOHHHH SNAP! ALL DA ASHY SASS! IT'S GETTING HEATED! (:D Get it? Cuz da Phoenix? It burns...and...da Ok...that was really...bad.)) His grip on me is tight. Painful. I can't risk our cover blown yet, just...not yet.



Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now