Hanging with a sleepy Jordan and Damion.

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     413!!!!!!! IT'S 413!!!!!! HOMESTUCK ENDS TODAY! THANK YOU HUSSIE!

     I'M SO SORRY I'VE BEEN MIA! SO BUSY FORGIVE ME! Go ahead and skip this author's note, not necessary information. Long chapter ahead. Enjoy.

     If all goes as planned, this will be the completing chapter of book #2. Thanks, guys. I should start book #3 soon, if not today. I looked at the ranking of book one and just stared for a second. #702. Wow. I wasn't aware there were that many with the 'Vampire' tag. Not upset, just surprised. Trying to start another book. I am debating a couple ideas and such. There are two books I'm writing separately and might not put up here, and another on here, but that's just a draft. I'm probably going to start the fifth book to work on, that will get published and such on here. I'm also probably going to scrap the draft for the most part. Sorry for boring those who read the author's note, enjoy the last chapter of this book, and the series is not over.


     I lost control of my body, Jordan catching me when I leaned forward. I'm not sure if I heard their conversation right, but I did catch some of it. He held me close, his warmth seeping into me.

     "Poor girl, she's been through so much and hides it behind a smile. All that pain..." Jordan sounded sad, but I also heard a sad smile in his voice.

     "You're right, she deserves so much better." Damion said.

     "What the hell happened to Ashborne? He didn't betray Juliet, right. I mean, he loves her. She loves him. They just don't see it yet. They have to save the kingdom, their our hope."

      "We can't put everything on them, especially now that the for-now crowned Prince is of no help right now. It's too much stress for her to handle. Our precious, Princess Juliet. You're our hope, our savior. Please...you can't let us down." He tightened his grip, burying his face in my shoulder, shaking. Tears wet my shoulder. I couldn't stay awake any longer.

     I woke up, tucked into the middle of the bed. I sat up, last night a complete blur. I remember them saying something, but I don't know what. I looked over and smiled, noticing Jordan and Damion on the ground. Both their bodies and the blankets were all tangled up, them holding each other. Jordan had his face on Damion's chest, and Damion had his chin on Jordan's head. They both look so adorable. Both shirtless, but wearing their jeans from yesterday.

     I stood. I am not really as much of a fan of this dress as the other I wore yesterday. My boots are at the foot of the bed. I slipped them on and tapped the boys' heads. I know it's weird but under my dress, I'm wearing a black tank-top and black shorts, under the shorts tights. Of course, I'm also wearing my shoes. I slipped the dress and undid the pins holding my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail. I sat cross-legged on the bed, my hands on my knees.

     "Why I don't wanna be awake..." Jordan whined, tightening his grip on Damion. Damion smiled lightly, slowly opening his eyes. He groaned slightly, unwrapping his arms from around Jordan. He moved him so he could carry him princess-style (don't really know another name for that term), which caused Jordan to squirm around, whining, and groaning in protest. I laughed quietly. This seems like a morning routine. Damion was a more of a morning person while Jordan was a pure night owl, like most Vampires. I myself am a huge night owl.

     "Come on." Damion said, smiling softly at his boyfriend.

     "No." Jordan whined. Damion chuckled.

     "Here, give me a second. Sorry." Damion told me, setting Jordan on the bed next to me and prying him off, replacing himself with a pillow, which Jordan buried his face into and seemed to fall back asleep.


     It did not go as planned, so there will be another chapter, probably today. I know that's a bad end to the chapter but I had to cut it off. Thanks for reading, happy 413!

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now