I lived.

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     I was brought to an empty room and died to a wooden chair in the center. There were torches casting a low glow, this room is darker that the rest and the walls seem to melt into the darkness. I can't see what's on them, if anything, which worries me. I kept my head down, eyes shut. The door slammed. It's wooden, not too done-up. I think I'm in a room in the dungeon. As I kid I wasn't down here much, so I don't know. I was watching the ground as I walked and I don't remember the way, so even if I can get out I'm screwed. Whatever.

     I tried, right? I put up a good fight. I did what I was supposed to, didn't get anyone else killed. Found out the corruption was really high on the food chain, finally kissed that sob Ashborne. Made some friends, some enemies. Got out of that human hell-hole. Was a pure-blood for a bit. Overall a good run, guess it's over now. Time to give up. Man, this sucks. All that, everything I've done, for nothing? What the actual fuck. Man, I tried! I did my job! I fucking did what I had too!

     I came to my senses. I was shaking and I felt hot tears slide down my face. Dammit. I didn't mean to cry. Shit. I'm so freaking weak, I can't stand it. I have to be stronger.

     I must've fallen asleep because I woke up to a bucket a full of frigid water. It seems into my clothes and some just trickled and chilled down in the insides of my boots. Not too much, but enough to be at least slightly annoying. I gasped, my hair dripping, chills running down my spine. My teeth shattered and my body shivered from the cold. Someone grabbed my chin and forced my face up to meet theirs. A knight looked down at me. Sure, he may not necessarily look the part but he has a crimson band around his arm. It looks like ribbion but it's stretchy and knights are to always wear them when their not dressed the part. This one is decently tan, short black hair, and dark hazel eyes. His expression was blank and guarded. He let me go and I quickly looked him over. Holy is he built like a knight and obviously a vampire.

     He was wearing a plain (black with a white dress shirt) tuxedo. His black tie was undone and around his neck, the top button undone and his jacket open. He paced in front of me and took off the jacket, draping it on a chair near the door (he transferred his crimsion band to his arm). He rolled up his sleeves above the elbow and squatted down in front of me, looking up. I blankly stared back.

     "So...are you going to talk or am I supposed to do something or what's going on here?" I asked. He blinked. I blinked in return. I smaked my lips, leaning back a little. "Um..."

     "Shut up." His voice was deep, it fit his personality. I nodded. I looked around kinda fast and looked back at him, waiting for him to say something. "What did you do to get the royal family so pissed off they all want you to suffer and die."

     "A-all...Prince - Prince Ashborne as well?" My voice cracked, my stomach dropping and heart cracking.

     "Yes." That simple word. It hurt so much. My jaw dropped, the emotional pain overwhelming.  My heart shattered. He said he'd protect me. He said he'd be there...is it my fault? He swore...I broke it. It broke me.

     "I...I lived. That's why I have to suffer and die." I looked up at him, tears filling my eyes. I cannot mask the pain, hurt, and depression in my voice. "I - I lived."

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now