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     Ok so I decided not all the way. But still, trigger warning. Thanks for all the feedback. (Insert human sarcasm here.) Nah, just kidding. I don't mind but I could think so I am writing another chapter. Enjoy.


     I woke up seemingly seconds later, still terrified for my life. The pain set in again and I struggled. He healed me, leaning back slightly and laughing. His hot breath on my neck sent chills down my spine. The world slowed down, each second taking forever before passing. Am I going to die here?

      I felt his knee slowly force my legs apart. I squirmed under his grip but he just laughed. He pulled both wrists above my head and trapped them in one of his hands. My resisting was useless, I'm quite aware. I can't help it, it's instinct. He kissed me roughly and his knee pushed up. I heard the sound of ripping fabric and cool air hit my stomach. Chills ran up and down my spine as he groped me. He kissed my neck, biting the soft skin in-between my shoulder and neck. Now being mute, I couldn't make a sound, but it felt wrongfully good, making me feel sick. His hand traveled down to my belt, undoing it. I struggled but his free leg pinned mine down. I couldn't move. He undid my jeans and I heard the clink of a belt buckle as he undid his own, his head moving up to kiss me again.

     There was a loud pounding at the door. I assume that Devitt locked it. He didn't seem to notice because his kiss got rougher and more lust-filled. The door broke open and instantly Devitt was thrown off. I backed up against the headboard, terrified, drawing one of the black sheets around me. Ash was on the ground beating the living hell out of Devitt. I couldn't say anything, just watch as the shock numbed my body.

     "Ashborne!" Damion cried out, pulling Ash of the now beaten and bloodied Devitt.

     They both held him back but upon seeing me, Jordan's eyes went blood-red. Ash's were already gold with rage. Once they had overpowered Damion and almost killed Devitt Ash came to his senses enough to reign Dark Jordan under control. Damion was fine, so he calmed down Jordan. All I could do was watch, numb. I hope this feeling of shock that kept my emotions at bay never passed, but as I began to realize it was over, the initial shock passed. Devitt was still conscious and up against a wall smeared with his blood as more of it soaked the carpet around him.

     I shook violently as hot tears ran down my face. I curled up, making myself small, drawing the sheet around me. My eyes turned gold from emotional stress, my human body unable to take it. From lack of, well, everything, even in vampiric form I'm unable to heal. I saw Devitt's eyes widen.

     "Juliet...hey, can you hear me?" Ash's voice was soft as he slowly took a step my way. Shock and realization took over Devitt as soon as he realized who I was and the grave mistake he'd made. Ash neared me and I backed up, terrified. Hurt flashed through his face but he backed up.

     "Ash, it's ok. Give her a bit. Time, ok?" Damion said, putting a hand on Ash's shoulder. He nodded and turned to the broken man on the ground.

     "S-Sire, I-I ap - I apologize - I-I d-didn't know - I d-didn't know who s-she was I s-swear!" Devitt said, stumbling over his words.

     "You were forgiven the first occurrence with Jordan, but the second? With the princess? You're not getting off so easy, my dear friend." Ash's words were filled with malice, his smile venomous. So much rage behind his golden eyes. Jordan looked at Ash.

     "Sire, I must point out that with me he only attempt to kiss me, never did he get this far." Jordan's eyes (no longer red) darkened slightly.

     "No matter. He'll be in chains, suffering, forever. Should he room with the traitor Klaus? They both went after the princess after all." Ash's words made everything click into place for Devitt, you could tell by his reaction. He was grabbed by the collar and cried out as Ash dragged him out of the room. Damion shut the now busted door, shutting out the rest of the sound. It was just me and them. I trusted them. Right?

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now