Coming Out (Haha - Don't Take it Out of Context.)

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     Short second-to-last chapter, next one is super long so get ready! Due to my participation in VEX Worlds down in Kentucky this year I won't have much time April 20 - 25 2016. I will try to get the next one out soon. Get ready for the end of this book and the start of the third. An end is a new begenning.


     "I'm going to do it. I have to." I told Damion, stopping in my tracks. He turned to me. "Whether the people are ready or not."

     "They're ready. They've always been ready. Now, if you don't want me to kneel now, let's go to the throne room. I heard there's an almost-riot there. After all, word travels when the vampires spreading the word can break the sound barrier if they tried hard enough." Damion said, waving me forward. I smiled, nodding. I closed my eyes and took a breath before opening them and walking forward, ready. I hope. Ok not so much but I'm going to do this while I'm on this rush. Once I crash there's a high chance I'll break down. I can't wait any longer.

     Once we got to the throne room there was a crowd extending out of the room. I pushed through, no one really noticing me. Well, that's about to change. I don't really want to show my face, as I want to be able to walk through the kingdom as a commoner and see how they are. Whatever, I'll figure it out when I get there. I found Ash and Jordan talking, and Jordan gave something to Ash. Flash passed over his face and he hugged Jordan. It was Jordan's turn for shock. However, he recovered quickly and they broke apart. Damion and I finally made it to them.

     "What was that?" I asked, approaching them.

     "Close your eyes." Ash said, smiling softly.

     "But what-"

     "Trust me." Ash grinned, Jordan and Damion along with him. Oh, this won't end well. I did and felt my hair moved and something cold pressed against my neck. What...wait. "Open them."

     I looked down at my neck. The necklace, my necklace. Tears spilled from my eyes and I wrapped my arms around Ash, burning my face in his chest.

     "Thank you, thank you guys so much. I love you all. Thank you..." I cried, Ash wrapping his arms around me and either Jordan or Damion rubbed my hair.

     "We love you too kid." Damion said. I let go, wiping a stray tear. I kept a hand on my neck, to make sure it was actually there and to hide it from all else.

     "Let's get back the crown, ok?" I smiled and they nodded. This will not be a simple mission. How do I prove it? Other than being a pureblood, all I have to do is steal the crest. Ashborne could vouch for me, but he could be written off as mentally unstable. Anyone else charged with treason.

     Hey, wait. My blood. Pure-bloods have powers, but most are unknown to those not among the very rare pureblood class. Royals have even more secrecy and powers. The back-ups don't have those powers, only the Lockharts are capable. Purebloods can place a spell on vampires to make them human and wipe their memories until they awaken, like what happened to me. However, me doing that isn't my first choice, seeing as there isn't a case of that happening in which the spell caster has not died. Turning humans, ability to control normal vampires if needed. all things pure-bloods are able to do that. My sword is the only shot I have. I saw the King and Queen (gold eyes and fangs, scary) in a heated discussion with some nobles. I took a breath and approached them, waving for the three of them to stay back for now. I dropped my hand as I neared, catching some eyes. I tried to ignore it.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now