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     918 (without author's note, 1012 with author's note) word chapter. You're welcome *bows*. Anyway, her dress is above, just picture her in it. I might update again soon but I have midterms this week, then spring break starts Friday (yay no school) but there's a family getaway planned for this weekend (eh). So yep. Hope this will tide you over till then. Enjoy. (Also thanks for the feedback - votes, comments, reads, ect. - I read, laugh, appreciate, all that, as well as respond to them all and same to any direct messages. So...yep. Enjoy.)


     I'm never going to un-bury my face from Ash's shirt. My face is way too red. Ash was a bit flustered too. Despite Jordan and Damion still cheering and me being the only reason that holds Ash back from killing them, I smiled, giddy. The feeling lingered. His taste lingered. I'm enveloped by his smell. I couldn't help this feeling no matter how much I can try to deny it. My heart is pounding at a much faster pace than normal. This feeling was brand-new to me. I don't know what I'm doing or what to do with the emotions coursing through me at speeds unheard of. My senses are heightened. I peeked out and the world was brighter, despite the perpetual darkness that lingered in this castle and kingdom.

     I looked up at Ash and saw his face was red too. I smiled. He's taller than me, but only by a few inches. I have to look up for our eyes to meet but it was a comfortable height difference. Despite my recent issues, that's the first willing kiss I've had, and I have ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHAT I AM DOING. I really, really hope I don't screw up too badly. These thoughts alone made my embarrassment level rise again and I buried my face in his shirt again, inhaling his scent.

     There was a knock on the door and it made all of us jump, and Ash released me, us separating enough to look like we weren't just pressed together. Jordan and Damion shot to opposite sides of the bed, as their relationship was not all that well-known and some were against it.

     "Come in." Ash said gruffly. I calmed myself enough to look semi-normal. However, I bet we all look like a mess, no getting out of it. A girl came in.

     "The King and Queen request you to be ready in a timely fashion sire and sirs." She bowed deeply and left. A maid? She was in a black maidish uniform, but without as much lace. And mostly black and navy.

     I haven't seen one in a while, guess they're coming out of the woodwork for stuff like this. I remember that there were more people around as kids, but I guess they didn't have as much to do recently so they'd gone home to their own families. I guess playing my part will prove more difficult than desired, as there were servants that could tell who was royal and who was not. Welp. Shit. Oh well. I rolled my neck, trying to work out the kinks and knots that been forming recently. It felt like the entire realm's fate was on my shoulders. Oh wait, it is.

     "Ok, well. Let's get ready ok? Juliet, what are you going to wear?" Ash asked, turning to me. I face-palmed. I HAD HOURS AND YET I STILL DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THE SIMPLE SHIT?! I shrugged, moving around mine/slave room, looking for something suitable for my 'title'. There might be something real I'm not going back there quite yet. I felt around my neck and winced slightly. My family crest. The one Ash had given me as a child. It's still gone. I'd shut the door and spent a good 5 minutes having a staring contest with my reflection, searching my own eyes for answers to questions I didn't know how to ask.

     After spending some time looking I found black tights and a dress that was long sleeved and went down to about mid-thigh. It was black (SURPRISE! Didn't see that coming did you.) and covered by a layer of black lace. Spinning around made it fan out. I smiled to myself, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear. I love dresses like these. I love this one because it fits me perfectly, hugging all my curves and such. I eventually located black leather boots. They look all formal, however, they were worn, comfortable, and easy to run in. It went down to below my knee. They feel like I could wear these forever, and possibly even forget I'm wearing shoes.

     I look nice, not going to stand out. I smiled at me reflection and didn't even see Ash until he touched my shoulder. He looked beautiful, handsome as ever. He was wearing a black suit, with a navy silk dress shirt and his crimson tie hung, not yet done, around his neck. His hair was a mess and his jacket was unbuttoned.

     "You are breathtaking." His eyes twinkled and he kissed my forehead.

     Heat rose to my face, unable to hide the smile. I'm really giddy. I can't help it. I shook my head, dismissing his comment and I stood on my toes to try to fix his hair. He laughed and leaned down so I can keep my balance while fixing his hair. I didn't bother with my own makeup, so I was ready before he was. Once I was satisfied with his hair, I did his tie and flipped up his collar, fixing his tie. He pulled out his own family crest pendant and I hooked it around his neck and folded his collar back down so it hid the chain and the pendant rested below the knot of the tie. I buttoned his jacket and stepped back, content with my work. I nodded and smiled. He leaned down and kissed me again. It was short but sweet. He leaned back and smiled along with me.

     "Well, let's go."

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now