Lily's friend, Elizabeth.

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     I slowly opened the door, letting them know that I'm here. They all stopped talking, looking at me. I offered an awkward wave. I walked over to the bed, kinda hiding behind Ash as I sat on the edge of it. My stomach is in knots. I'm playing with the hem of the hoodie, hating the uneasy silence.

     "What do you want to do?" Josiah asked, looking around Ash and at me. I looked up and shook my head. I don't know.

     There was a knock at the door and a pause before little Lily walked in. She grinned and jumped on Ash. Well, that's one was to break the tension. I smiled softly, getting off the bed. Jordan and Damion laughed at the sudden intrusion, the worry lessening on Josiah and Krystal's faces. A moment later another little girl walked in.

     "Why'd you run away from me?" The girl said, pouting. Her skin was mixed, her hair super curly.

     "I forgot that daddy asked me to get Ash. I'm sorry Elizabeth." Lily responded. I pulled off the hoodie, lying it on the bed.

     "Oh hi mom and dad! Prince Ashborne." Elizabeth responded, smiling and offering a small bow in his direction. Ah, so she's Krystal and Josiah's kid. I smiled a bit. Josiah smiled, picking up his daughter.

     "And what does you're father want with me?" Ash asked Lily, who looked up from his lap.

     "I don't know." She grinned. "He's in the throne room."

     "Thank you." He said, grinning at her. He turned to me. "Lets go."

     I nodded, offering a slight bow to everyone else then following Ash out the door, head down. I don't care for being a princess. I know it's weird, but personally, no matter the pain, I'd rather be a slave to a prince then the princess of the entire realm of vampires. It must have seemed odd to Krystal and Josiah, a princess bowing to them. Whatever, they have a loving family. The life of royalty or those of noble bloodlines, its a lonely, painful path to take.

     After getting to the throne room, I was kinda in shock. I was looking at it in a whole different light. That's where my parent's sat. In those thrones. That's where I was supposed to grow up and sit. That corner is where I almost died not so long ago. This is the room where I really woke up. The stone was cold on my bare feet, our footsteps echoing on the high stone ceiling and walls. In front of the throne, on one of the steps leading up to them, stood Jason. He looked grim.

     "Something about what she said last time caught my attention, and the pieces are clicking into place. Who are you, girl?" Jason's words made me freeze. Fuck. My secret is getting out. Not so secret anymore huh? Yea. I'm screwed. I shook my head, beginning to pace behind Ash. I rubbed my temples. Dammit.

     "Don't tell anyone. Try to keep Klaus and Devitt silent as long as possible. This could screw us all over." Ash said, nodding solemnly.

     "So it's true. She's" Jason said. I knew he would kneel or bow or something, so I looked at Ash, silently telling him to prevent it. For as long as I can, I don't want to be treated like royalty.

     "Don't kneel. Or bow. If you can remember, she's never been a fan of the formal royal stuff." Ash said, smiling to break the tension. I opened my mouth to speak, but my words weren't  working. I stopped, touching my throat. I'm healed. Why can't I speak?

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