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     "What are you doing?" I asked, Jordan still screwing with my hair.

     "Whoa, Jordan, where'd you learn to do that?" Alex asked, apparently looking at what he was doing from behind me.

     "Google. I don't get to do anyone's hair, so I'm happy you're back. Lily's never here so I never get to do this." Jordan said, giving my hair a small tug. I smirked.

     "Yea, no problem. Glad to be of use." I said. Jordan finished what he was doing and I turned to stand.

     "There. Now you're hair looks the part." Jordan said, grinning. I shook my head, feeling what he did. Looking in the mirror my eyes widened a bit. I look...beautiful? Nah. I do look really different, as Jordan coaxed me into makeup. It's annoying but whatever. My body looks different as well, I never wear this form-fitting as an outfit. I touched the empty space around my neck. Where my pendant should be.  Ash had given it to me at the best day of my life. It was a sign of my parents, my ranking, my purpose.

     "So, what's your name?" Alex asked, looking at me. I turned to him. I looked at Jordan and he nodded, telling me he's trustworthy.

     "Juliet." I said. He smiled.

     "That's funny, you have the same name as the late princess...and she'd be around your age...Juliet Lockhart." Alex said slowly, him and I both saying 'Lockhart' at the same time. I nodded and his jaw dropped for a second. I remember him. He'd visit with his family every now and again. He'd screw around with us, hang out.

     "S-sorry I left." I said, my voice cracking. He walked over and hugged me, I hugged back. We broke apart and I took a breath. I have to take up my place. But I can't. And I'm done for.

     "Bloody hell...you're alive..." He whispered, grinning.

     I nodded and rubbed the back of my neck, offering a sheepish smile.

     "I should be getting back to Damion." Jordan said, smiling and making his way to the door.

     "Lover boy." I said, poorly hiding it in a cough. Jordan blushed at our laughter and mumbled something before slipping away.

     "Well, my lady, will you accompany you to the fine Gala that is being hosted this fine evening?" Alex asked formally, kneeling and offering his hand. My face flamed and I nodded, taking his hand. He stood and I slipped my arm in his. We walked down to the Gala, which had only started a mere hour or so ago, despite that it felt like a lifetime. He slipped out and bowed, offering me his hand once again. "My lady, may I have this dance."

     "Why certainly, kind sir." I offered a small laugh, another blush rising to my face. I took his hand.

     Ok so I didn't think I knew how to dance, as I'd only had lessons as a child, but apparently I'm a natural. Nope, Alexander is just a really good lead. We spun around and by the middle of the song, we'd gotten quite the audience, no one else was out here. I closed my eyes and got lost in the movements and the music. At the end of the song, there was a dip, and I opened my eyes, his face right above mine. I smiled, him grinning like a dork back at me. We stood and polite applause rippled through the crowd.

     I smiled and curtsied to Alexander, him bowing (both deeply) in return. I looked around and my smile fell as my eyes fell upon his and her royal highness, conversing to some other nobels in the corner. I sighed and looked up at Alex, hugging him quickly. I turned away and slowly made my way over to the King and Queen. That's it. I'm stepping up. I'm going to overthrow them.

     I'm going to rule my realm.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now