I Don't Die Nor Do I Die. (Or as I like to call it IDDNDID.)

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     My eyes turned to gold to prevent my passing out from lack of air. I can't stay this way for long. Time slowed. Every second felt like forever. The little strength I had left drained. Ash's face flashed with worry. My smile had fallen since I lost the ability to breathe. I can't hide what's happening. The question is, what is happening. My lungs were numb. My vampiric form left, my body unable to keep it. I could feel my body shutting down, my vision beginning to blur and darken. 

     My surroundings changed and I was in the hallway that I'd ran from Klaus the first time before I remembered. I fell to my knees, grabbing my throat. My vision darkened, my senses shutting down as my body went numb. Everything went black.

     Did I pass out? Can I just not use my senses? Am I...am I dead? Everything's so cold.

     Warmth spread through me, the black starting to lighten. I began to feel the floor beneath me. I feel a pressure of someone's arm around my waist and my back against his chest. I felt something warm in my mouth, my vampiric side probably the only thing keeping me alive. My body realized what was happening. Ash's blood. His sleeve was rolled up and his wrist was pressed up against my mouth. I was going to drain him. I tried to push him off me, but his grip was too tight.

     "Ok, ok." He said, weaker than normal. He let me go and my lungs kicked into overdrive. They burned and I counldn't stop coughing. He laughed and his wrist healed, fix his sleeve and fixing his cuff. I calmed down enough not to cough up the lungs that just started to work again. I gave him a look questioning why he'd do that. He could've killed himself. I didn't want to stop. I almost couldn't stop. "I'm the knight. I have to save the princess. Why is that surprising?"

     Him. A knight. I guess it fits...I mean, if I wouldn't have 'died' he probably would be a real knight at this point. I guess he will be a knight. If I retake the throne. It's only been mere minutes (if even) since there was an attempt at my life. Ash looks a little pale. I stood, smoothing out the hem of my dress and running a hand through my hair. I smiled and curtsied slightly.

     "You're not going back out there." He said. I looked at him. Is he going to stop me? "Stubborn. Fine. I could use some blood anyway."

     We slipped back in, blending into the crowd. No one noticed the little vanishing act. Ok, maybe some did, but they're the ones that knew. The ones not yet aware of me didn't, so it's ok. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the King and Queen discussing something by the throne, throwing glances at me and their son. What are they planning this time?

     The King ushered us over, the Queen nodding. I pulled on Ash's sleeve. He'd gotten his fill of blood and had recovered by now. He ceased his conversation, nodding an apology. He walked over to his parents, me towing behind him. We went to an adjacent room. It was bare, small, somewhat compact. Once the door shut the only sound was breathing (and heartbeats, blood rushing through veins, organs moving, etc. but I'm not really using my super-hearing).

     "How'd you live, Juliet?" The King asked. I looked down, unsure how to answer. Do I even have an answer?

     "What's this about?" Ash stepped forward.

     "You two are causing ripples, digging too deep. Stand back, don't involve yourselves in the affairs of the realm any longer." The Queen replied, her voice cold. My head shot up, eyes wide. My jaw went slack with shock. Ash voiced the words I myself cannot say.

     "What the bloody hell?! Don't get involved?! Juliet almost fucking died as a mere child and again today! Yet you want us to keep back?! Like bloody hell, we're going to stand back!" Whoah. Ash is pissed. His eyes glinted a bright gold. His accent reigned free. I loved it and I kept telling him as a kid. Now I'm pretty sure he buried it because I used to like it. I still do, but right now it's full of pure rage and fury, therefore absolutely terrifying. Remind me never to get on his bad side.


     "No. Hell. No." Ash cut off his father. The boys are both super pissed and the Queen is losing her cool.

     Oh shit.

     Imma just...imma just back away...

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now