I'm ok...right?

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     He leaned back, letting me breathe. The hand on my belt moved up and touched my face. He looked in my eyes, the fear gripping me. He put my hand on his mouth, my eyes widening.

     "Not. A. Sound." He said, grinning.

     Tears slid down my face and his hand moved and a fist landed in my stomach. He kissed me again, making me unable to make a sound. My stomach is still exposed, the shirt riding up to my ribs. His hand slid to my mouth again and he leaned down to my neck, slowly sinking his fangs in. I shook, trying to get him off. The grip on my wrists tightening, Pain ripped through me. My vision began to blur. I grew to weak to fight.

     He got off of me, standing. He pulled me roughly to my feet. I stumbled, but managed to stay upright. His hand wrapped around my throat and he squeezed, his arm rising so my feet were dangling uselessly beneath me. I grabbed his wrist. I can't breathe.

     "If you go and tell his royal highness I will make sure you wish you were dead. I'll have my fun and do what I want. Am I understood." His voice dripped with venom and jealousy. His grip tightened and I nodded best I could, my vision going out. He dropped me and I crumpled on the ground, coughing and holding my bruised throat. He crouched down and whispered in my ear, his breath warm. My blood turned to ice and I shuddered. "You're delicious and that was fun, we'll have to do it again."

     "P-please-" Another fist landed in my gut, knocking the wind out of me.

     "You're my toy. I'll do what I want. Leave."

     I nodded, getting to my feet. I winced, bowing. I turned and left. As soon as the door shut behind me tears spilled down my face again and I stopped, gathering myself and the little strength I have left. I took a couple  breaths and scrubbed my face with the ends of my sleeves. As I got myself together, I headed back to Ash's room, burying what had happened. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok. I kept repeating those two words over and over, trying to convince myself of what I know isn't true. I knocked on the door, peeking in.

     "Hey." I said lightly, forcing a smile. I stepped inside.

     "Hey, you ok?" Ash said, looking up from his tablet. He turned it off and set it on the bed, standing and walking over.

     "Yea, why wouldn't I be?" I said, still smiling. He smiled in return, hugging me. Fear raced through me and I stiffened. I forced myself to relax but fear still gripped me. The touch of someone else. I can't...I can't anymore. I forced myself to remain light, happy. Neutral. He broke apart and relief raced through me for a second before I buried that with everything else. I cannot show the fear I feel, I just got back. I can't revert to how I was as a human. I'm a pure-blood vampire (sorta-ish, still shifting all the gears; getting there).

     "It's getting pretty late. Go get some sleep." Ash said, smiling softly.

     "Um...yea. Ok..." I walked over to the slave room, the one I'll still be in. Even if I was ready to go back to my own royal chambers we have to keep up appearances. 'Keep up appearances.' Ha. Yea right. I can't fulfill all that's expected of my role. I'm not ready to be a princess. Not yet. I'd rather be a bloodbag.

Damned Pure-blood Royals [Book #2 of the Damned Series; Completed]Where stories live. Discover now