I am Queen.

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     "Greetings, apologize for the intrusion. I just came to the realization that you have something of mine and I was just wondering if I could have it back? I mean, unless that poses any issue. After all, it is rightfully mine-"

     "Watch your tone." The King said sharply.

     "Is it not considered rude to interrupt someone of higher status than you?" I asked, smiling. I went vampiric so my eyes were gold and my fangs quite evident.

     "I will rip your throat out." He advanced forward and I smirked, jumping so I was standing on the back of the King's throne, my hands clasped behind me. I was light enough so that it didn't move. That act caught the eyes of everyone not already staring. And this is why I wear shorts, although nothing revealing was showing anyway.

     "Maybe you shouldn't threaten me." I said down to the King and Queen. I stood upright and addressed the crowd. "Is anyone have in their possession my sword, by chance?"

     I leaned to the side, narrowly dodging the sword that whizzed past my head and embedded itself in the wall behind me. I held up a hand to cease the advancements of my comrades (sounds so fancy). Guess I'm not the all-around favorite.

     "You have my gratitude." I said, doing a back flip (such majestic) so I balanced on the Lockhart sword.

     I rolled up both sleeves and crouched down so I grabbed the hilt. I pulled it from the wall, managing to stay in my vampiric form due to the blood I drank earlier. I held it in my hand and landed slightly on the ground. It seemed to hum and blood red vines snaked up my arm. I took a breath. It needs blood to work properly, which is why I hate to use it most of the time. Thorns pierced my skin and I hid the pain well but it hurt almost as much as a pure-blood bite. I could feel the blood being pulled from my body and the sword hummed, my pendant heating up slightly (the red gems on it glowing). Gasps and hushed conversations and questions were whispered. There were only elite nobles allowed, the peasants waiting outside.

     "Klaus couldn't kill a simple child, and his actions allowed you to grow. To become strong enough to beat him, but not strong enough to beat me. I am the ruler of this kingdom after all." The King hissed. I walked forward.

     "Try me." I whispered to him alone. He unsheathed his sword. As I child I was extremely skilled. As a child. Great. I got this. The plus side of the blood-sucking vine is I can't exactly drop my sword.

     The next eon (half hour) was filled with the clang of swords clashing. I'm small and fast but not strong, so I managed to dodge and got a hit in hit sword shoulder but I'm losing too much energy too fast. If I drop out now it'll show I'm too weak to rule. I can't show any weakness. I can't revert back until I win.

      Finally, I got through his shield. He sliced my left forearm but I cut his right hand pretty deeply, making him drop the sword. I held the blade to his neck and fear raced through his eyes before he admitted defeat. Him and the Queen were dragged out by guards. There was blood running down my arm, the acid on the sword taking effect, trigging another attack. Pain raced through me but I hid it. I winced, but it's not as bad as it could be. The vines retreated and I switched back to human. Ash was at my side. He wrapped my arms to stop the bleeding and he took the sword. The slash was deep, going from (from my point of view) the very left of the inside of my elbow, down the inside of my arm, to the right corner of the inside of my wrist on my left arm, and it's going to scar, the acid will make it scar . I was too weak to heal the thorn injuries on my right arm. but when I get more energy I'll be able to heal it and not a mark will be left behind.

     The next half hour went by fast. I got more blood, so I was feeling a little better. I rolled down my sleeves, hiding the bandages. Everyone was running around, the lower class had been forced to leave. Word was out, my coronation was today and I was only letting those I absolutely had to see me. Just pureblood nobles, so four families. I think there was one or two more (I zoned out in history as a kid, I don't remember the names) but they were off somewhere else. Only those four families know what I look like.

     All of a sudden I found myself waiting at the foot of the throne, ready to get coronated as the Queen. Yea I'm getting over the rush, panic beginning to replace it. There was an orchestral melody, but it fell on deaf ears. I didn't allow a big deal, just the speech and all that. I didn't even change. There was really no time. The guy before me said something, but I didn't really hear it. I know what he said, though. I confirmed my putting the needs of the people before my own and all that jazz. Then I knelt. A simple black-gold crown was placed on my head. I stood, going vampire and facing the small crowd. There was applause and other than a couple who looked upset at the turn of events there was so much joy. I grinned.

     I went and mingled, the crown still heavy. It's what, two in the morning? I'm exhausted and after about another hour people started to leave. Eventually, it got to the point where it was just the 'fabulous five'. The rest of my crew had to get home to their own mansions and casters and such to deal with the aftershocks. Gonna be fun. I just slow danced with Ash, Jordan and Damion with each other, and Alex was acting like a dork and dancing by himself. Jordan and Damion as well as Alex were spinning around and stuff, but Ash and I mostly stood in place, my arms wrapped around his neck, my eyes closed. I was leaning on him and his arms were wrapped loosley around my waist.

     "Excuse me, my Queen." Ash said with a smile in his voice. He hooked an arm under my knees and behind my shoulders, picking me up bridal style. My arms slipped from his neck and my head (still wearing the crown) laid on his chest. I didn't open my eyes. I'm hurting and so tired.

     "She's been through a lot today, but there's still so much to come. Rest now, Queen Juilet, you still have a kingdom to save." Jordan said happy but sad at the same time.

     "I solely swear my loyalty. I will serve you, care for you, and die for you. We will die before harm befalls you. We put our lives in your hands. Long live Queen Juilet." They all said at once. I smiled, falling asleep.

     I won't let you down, on that I swear.


     Thank you all for this. I'll get #3 out ASAP but I do have World's so...yep. It's a good place to end and take a few days to breathe a bit. Thank you again.

      Stay tuned for Book #3 Damned Hybrid Queen.

     LATER EDIT: Book #3 is on my profile if you want to check it out.

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