Chapter 2

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The car drove throw the gates of Waterloo road. My first day there. I'm excited kinda.. New school, new start. The car drove up outside the front doors of the school. My driver then got out and opened the doors for me.
"Thank you, Jamie" I said to him.
"Good luck" he replied. I was born into a rich family and since my parents I inherited some money. He also also was my mom and dads driver when they went to special events and stuff. So why not drive into my new school in style. I grabbed out my bag and put my blazer over my bag and pulled my skirt up a bit. I then ran my hands throw my hair and began walking to the doors. Everyone was staring at me at this point. I waved to, Jamie and he slowly drove off. A teacher then approached me.
"You must be, Megan?" She questioned me.
"Yes, and you are?" I questioned her.
"I'm a teacher here. I'm Miss Campbell" she replied.
"Ah. Ok. So..?" I replied.
"Maybe we should go and see the head?" She questioned me.
"Ild rather not.." I replied.
"It was a question" she said giving the evils.
"Fine" I said. I then followed, Miss Campbell into the offices.
"Wait here" she said to me. I sat down and someone walked out. He was student and looked like he was in my year. He wasn't that bad look either.
"You alright" he said to me.
"Yeah. Thanks" I replied. He then smiled at me. Miss Campbell then walked out.
"Donte, leave her alone" she said. So I got his name. (Sorry to break it to you.. But Chlo isn't in this story..)
"I was just being friendly" he replied. "See you later" he said smiling and walking out.
"You can come in now" Miss Campbell said. I stood up and grabbed my bag and walked into the heads office.
"Ah, a pleasure to meet you, Miss Clarke" The head said.
"Why did you say my second name?" I questioned her.
"Megan then" she replied smiling.
"Yeah" I replied. I then sat down.
"You really know how to make an entrance don't you" she said.
"Why did I?" I questioned her.
"Well you did have a chauffeur for the first day of school" she replied.
"I did in my last school" I replied.
"Ok then" she said. "Anyway my name is, Miss Mason" she said finally giving me her name.
"Ok. Can I go now?" I questioned her.
"Hold up" she began to say. "You know where your staying after school. Right?" She questioned me. I already knew this. I was staying at the school house. I could get my own place, but I wouldn't be able to survive living by myself.
"Yeah. The school house" I replied.
"And you can get there?" She questioned me.
"Of course I have, Jamie my chauffeur" I replied.
"Of course you do" she replied. "Anyway that is it" she replied. I then got up and walked out the room. Miss Campbell followed me.
"You may need this?" She said holding a piece of paper.
"Uh?" I said confused.
"Your timetable" she replied.
"Ok. Thanks" I replied. The bell then went.
"I'll show you to your form room" she said. I then followed her to my form room. She opened the door to the room and we both walked in.
"Here we are" she replied.
"Thanks" I replied.
"Ah. You must be, Megan" this teacher began saying. "Welcome, I'm Mr Clarkson" he replied.
"Nice to meet you" I replied. Miss Campbell then left and Mr Clarkson introduced me to the class. I looked around and notice that Donte guy in the class looking at me.
"You can go and sit down over there" Mr Clarkson said and pointed at a desk. I walked over and sat down.
"Hi, I'm Dynasty" She said.
"Hey" I replied. Donte sat in front off me and he turned around.
"Fancy seeing you here again" he said smiling.
"Well it wasn't my choice to be here" I replied. He then laughed.
"Donte turn around please" Mr Clarkson said and turned around. We got on with form and I had a free after. I then walked into the sixth form room with, Dynasty.
"So.. What do you think off the school?" She questioned me.
"It's alright I guess" I replied.
"You wanna drink?" She questioned me.
"Yeah sure. Thanks" I replied. She then got up and walked over to the kitchen area of the room. Donte then walked over and sat next to me.
"How are you" he said to me.
"Fine thanks" I replied.
"Can I take you out at lunch?" He questioned me.
"Sorry. I can't, i have something going on" I replied.
"Oh yeah. What?" He questioned me.
"Um.." I began saying. Dynasty then walked over with my drunk and handed it me. "Dynasty you wanna go out for lunch. My treat?" I questioned her.
"Sure" she replied.
"All right. Ok then. See you" he said and walked off.
"What's up with him?" She questioned me.
"He asked me out for lunch, so I asked you" I replied.
"Why? Don't you like him?" She questioned me.
"Yeah. He's good looking, but it's time to play hard to get" I replied smiling.
"I like you're style" she replied laughing. I could see over the other side of the room him still staring at me. After my free period I had classes the rest of the day.. I went to my classes.. After my third class I met up with, Dynasty as it was lunch.
"Ready to go?" I questioned her.
"Yeah" she replied smiling. We then walked out and, Jamie was there. He opened the doors for us and we got in. We then drove to a restaurant and got a table and ordered.
"So.. What's your plan with, Donte?" Dynasty questioned me.
"I don't know.. Let's see how bad he wants that date. I'm not fussed if he doesn't try again. There is plenty more fish in the sea" I replied laughing. Our food them out and we ate.
"You want some wine?" I questioned her.
"I probably shouldn't. We have classes, and anyway they won't serve us that, we are underage" she replied.
"Yeah they will. I know the manager" I replied. "You sure you don't want one?" I questioned.
"I'm sure" she replied. I then ordered a large glass of wine. We then talked as I drank it. I then picked up the bill and we got back into the car. Jamie then drove us back to school. We were abit late.. We both had English with our form tutor, Mr Clarkson.

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