Chapter 15

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I then heard a knock at the door..
"Hello" I shouted. "Yeah, Maggie come in" I then said. I then began scrolling through a few cars and he door opened.
"I'm Maggie?" I heard laughter and I looked over at the door.
"Donte" i said smiling.
"I brought pizza, popcorn and a movie" he said smiling.
"What, Why? Your supposed to be at the party" I replied.
"It's no party without my BestFriend there" he said.
"Your so sweet" I replied. He then put the pizza box on my bed. "Are you gonna put the movie on then?" I questioned him smiling.
"Oh yeah" he replied. He then put the movie on and sat next to me. "You getting a new car?" He questioned me looking my laptop screen.
"Oh. Yeah" I replied.
"Why you looking at such big cars?" He questioned me.
"Because I like those" I replied.
"You've only just got yours" he replied.
"I know, but a two seater isn't really good for me now" I replied. I then put my laptop on the floor and we both watched the movie and ate the pizza and then ate some popcorn. The movie then finished.
"That was a great film" he said.
"Yeah, it was" I replied.
"So then.. This new car you want. Shall we have a look?" He questioned me.
"Yeah, why not" I replied.
"Could you go in my bag and pass me a pen please. I wanna write down a few options of cars" I replied smiling.
"Yeah, sure" he replied. He then got off my bed.
"Which one?" He questioned.
"The one next to my bed" I replied. I then saw him open up the baby boutique bag. "No not that.." I said, but it was too late. He pulled a baby grow out.
"Never thought you would wear a baby grow" Donte said confused.
"Oh.. Um" I said back and he put the baby grow back in the bag.
"What's going on?" He then questioned me.
"I'm pregnant.." I said slowly. He then looked at me and came and sat next to me.
"Who with?" He questioned me.
"You.." I replied.
"Oh right, ok" he replied.
"If you don't wanna be in this child's life, I don't care" I replied.
"No.. I didn't say that. I'll be there for you and the baby" he replied. He then hugged me.
"Really" I replied.
"Yeah, of course" he replied. "So is that why you need a bigger car then" he said.
"Uh ha. I can't drive around in a 2 seater sports car with a baby" I replied.
"Who else knows?" He questioned me.
"Miss Campbell, Dynasty and I told Maggie when I got back from school" I replied.
"Now I know why you and Miss Campbell have been being so secretive" he replied.
"Yeah.." I replied. "Do you wanna see a scan?" I questioned him.
"Um.. Yeah, ok" he replied. I then went in my bag and grabbed my scan from yesterday and handed it him.
"Wow.." He replied. He handed it me back. "So, are you ok?" He questioned me.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied.
"You wanna talk about anything?" He questioned me.
"There's nothing to talk about, and you can tell everyone I don't care now" I replied.
"Ok" he replied. "So, shall we look at some cars" he replied.
"Yeah, the shop where I got this car from are buying my car back off me, and I know exactly what I want" I replied.
"Uh ha, what then?" He questioned me.
"A Range Rover" I replied.
"Ah.. They are expensive" he replied.
"Cheaper than the car I already have" I replied.
"Ok. Well get it then" he replied. "Why don't you go and have a look at one" he then said.
"Yeah I am. I'm gonna book one tomorrow for lunch break" I replied. I then got out my phone and rang a car shop and booked an appointment to look at the cars.
"So when's your car going back?" He questioned me.
"End of the week, they are bringing a truck over to pick it up and sending the papers over" I replied.
"Well if you haven't got a car by the end of the week I can drive you around" he replied.
"Thanks" I replied. "I feel tied" I replied.
"Well I'll leave you be then" he replied.
"Ok. See you" I replied. He then hugged me and walked out my room. I then put everything away and went to bed.

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