Chapte 10

856 12 0

+3 months
Donte and I haven't spoken since.. We stay out of each other's way.. Him being him around nearly every other girl when I pass him. With his arms around them, cuddling him. --
I woke up and did my usual routine like having a shower, hair, makeup and getting ready. I then walked downstairs.
"You want some breakfast, Megan?" Maggie questioned me.
"Um.. No I'm great thanks. I've gotta go shops so I'll grab something there" I replied.
"Ok" she replied. I then walked out and got in my car. I then drove to the shops and walked in. I walked around and grabbed a few things and the came across the isle I didn't want to come across.. I walked down the isle and found the item I needed to get.. A pregnancy test. I don't know, but I feel like I am. I've been feeling a bit faint and tied recently.. Also the usual missing your period. I grabbed and few off them and then paid for the items. I put the pregnancy test in my bag and also the other stuff. I then drove to school and parked up. I walked into the sixth form room and took a seat next to, Dynasty.
"Will you tell, Mr Clarkson I'm gonna be a bit late to form" I said to, Dynasty.
"Um.. Sure, why?" She questioned me.
"I'll tell you later" I replied.
"Ok" she said. I then walked out the room and the bell went. I walked straight to the toilets. There was know one in there and walked into one off them. I did the test and waited 2 minutes.. That seemed like the longest 2 minutes of my life! A tear then rolled down my eye.. It was positive. I out the test back in my bag and needed up sitting there the whole of form. I couldn't face walking in there and seeing, Donte! The bell then went for first period. I had art. I unlocked the door and washed my hands and walked out. I walked straight to my class. I placed my bag on the floor and began to get on with my work. I then stood up and suddenly felt faint. I fell backwards, but luckily miss was directly behind me and caught me.
Kim Campbell's P.O.V
I managed to catch, Megan as she fell.
"Are you ok, Megan?" I questioned.
"Uh. Yeah" she said.
"You don't look well. Can you take her to the nurse" I asked a student. She then took, Megan to the nurse. I then noticed on the floor that I must of knocked over, Megan's bag as I caught her. I leant down and began placing everything back in her bag and stumbled across a positive pregnancy test. I placed it back in her bag and placed her bag near my desk.
Megan's P.O.V
This girl took me to the nurses office and then left when I walked in.
"Megan. What's up?" The nurse questioned me.
"I just felt faint" I replied.
"Ok. Do you know why?" She questioned me.
"No.." I replied.
"Have you eaten this morning?" She then questioned me. I then realised I haven't atelier drank all day as I went straight to the shops.
"No. I haven't" I replied.
"You need to get some energy into you" she said and passed me some food. "Would you like me to send you home?" She questioned me.
"No! I'm fine seriously" I replied. I then walked out and the bell went. I walked back to my class as I had left my belongings there.
"Um.. Miss. Where is my bag?" I questioned her as it was by my desk.
"Oh. It's here. I accidentally knocked it over" she replied.
"You what!" I replied grabbing my bag.
"Yeah. I saw the test" she said..
"Why have you been going through all my things" I replied.
"Like I said I accidentally knocked it over when you fainted" she replied.
"Whatever. Just don't tell anyone" I replied.
"So you wanna talk. I am the head of pastoral care" she said.
"Why would you wanna talk to my when you don't like me?" I replied.
"We got off with a bad start, but I don't hate you. Your a very good student" she replied.
"Can we talk?" I questioned and began crying. She then hugged me.
"It's ok" she replied. "Let's go to my office" she replied. She then took me to her office and closed the door and I took a seat. "So is, Donte the father?" She questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied wiping my tears.
"You need to tell him" she replied.
"We haven't spoke for a month and this is the first thing that pops out my mouth" I replied.
"You'll feel better once you have. I'll come if you would like" she replied.
"You will" I replied.
"Yeah. Of course. I can find out what he has and we can take him out off his lesson. If you would like" she replied.
"Yeah. Thanks, and we both have English with, Mr Clarkson" I replied.
"Ok. Well I can tell mr Clarkson then that your with me then" she replied. We both then got up and began walking to the classroom. Each step I took I felt more terrified to tell him. We finally, reached the classroom door and Miss Campbell opened it and everyone turned and looked at us.
"Can Megan and I.." She said and turned around and I was half way down the hall way. "I'll be right back" I heard her say. She then came running down the hall way to me. "Why did you run away?" She questioned me.
"I can't tell him.. I wanna book an appointment to make sure everything's ok before I do" I explained.
"Well. Ok. Well come to my office and you can try and get an appointment for today" she replied. We then walked back into her office and I rang them up. I got an appointment for today at 12:30. "Who are you going with?" She questioned me.
"Myself" I replied.
"Would you like me to come with you?" She questioned me.
"You don't have too" I replied.
"Please. You can't through it alone" she replied.
"Ok. Thank you" I replied.
"Great. Do you wanna go back to your classes?" She questioned me.
"Um. Yeah I do, but thanks for today miss" I replied standing up.
"It's ok. Well we will meet at the car park at 12:10" she replied.
"Yep" I replied. I then walked out and walked to my lesson. It will still English. I walked in and took my seat next to dynasty.
"What's going on?" She questioned me.
"Nothing. It's fine now" I replied.
"Ok. If your sure" she replied and we got on with our work..

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