Chapter 30

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We arrived at the hospital and they took us to a room. I had a private room already picked out so I wasn't with anyone else. I laid down on the bed and the doctors took the baby off Donte to check her over. They then checked me over and everything was fine with me and her. They then handed her back to me and laid her in my chest.
"Thank you" Donte said to me and kissed my forehead. He then kissed the babies forehead. The nurse soon then walked in.
"So, have the pair of you picked out a name yet?" She questioned us.
"Are we staying with what we chose?" I asked Donte.
"Yeah" Donte replied.
"Ok. So yeah we have it's, Charlotte McQueen Charles" I said. We decided on Charlotte after my mother and then McQueen, because it was part of mine and dads name and then my mothers name after they got married and Charles because it's Dontes last name.
"That's a gorgeous name" The nurse replied. She then looked at some of the books at the end of my bed and then walked out. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Donte then shouted 'come in' and in walked Maggie and Miss Campbell.
"Hey, honey" Maggie walked in holding a ballon and pink teddy bear.
"Hey" I replied to them both.
"How are you all?" Miss Campbell asked.
"We are all good thank you" I replied. "Thank you for being there for me earlier" I replied.
"That's ok" she replied. "Is it ok I'm here. It's just that I gave Maggie a lift up here" Miss Campbell then said.
"Yeah, of course it's fine" I replied.
"Can I have a hold?" Maggie questioned me.
"Of course" I replied. I then wrapped her up in the blanket and Maggie took her off me. Maggie and Miss Campbell then had a hold.
"Hey, Donte. Do you wanna go and collect my car from school and bring the baby bag and car seat here?" I asked Donte.
"Yeah, of course" he replied.
"Do you want a lift to the school, Donte?" Miss Campbell asked.
"Please" he replied. He then kissed me and Charlotte on the forehead and left. Maggie also had to leave as she had to get back to the school house. When they left the nurse walked in and asked if I wanted to have a go at breast feeding. So I did. It took awhile, but she finally took to it. After about 30 minutes, Donte arrived back holding the baby bag and car seat. He placed he car seat in the corner.
"The nurse came in earlier and asked if we wanted to give her a bath" I said to Donte.
"Ok" he replied. The nurse then walked back in and showed us to where we bathed the baby. We bathed her and then placed her down on to the towel and dried her and did what you have to do. We then grabbed one of the nappies and put it on her. We then got a baby vest and put it on and then a baby grow. We finally, put on some little mittens on her and then a hat. Donte then wrapped her up in a blanket and carried her in while I had a shower. I got out and got dressed. I decided to call my grandma. I told her and she was so excited and would come back straight away. I then called Jason.
"Hey can't talk I call you later" He said immediately as he answered the phone.
"I was ringing to say I've had the baby" I replied.
"Alright, cool. Can't talk" he said. I then heard loads of people talking and music playing in the background.
"Are you out drinking?" I questioned him.
"Um.." he said and there was a long silence. "No" he then said.
"Yes you are. Why are you lying. I rang to tell you that I had the baby and all you can say is 'cool'" I said.
"It's not even my kid. Why you bothered" he said.
"Are you being serious. Just forget it Jason. Don't bother coming home, because we're over!" I shouted down the phone and quickly ended it.
I walked back into the room and saw Donte asleep on the sofa that turns into the bed holding Charlotte. He then woke up.
"You alright" I said smiling.
"Yeah. She's great" he replied.
"Yeah, she is" I replied. He then lifted up and placed her in the little crib.
"Are you alright?" He then asked me.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied.
"No your not. What's up?" He then asked me. My phone then rang. I pulled it out and it was Jason. Donte looked down and I ended it.
"Why did you decline the call?" He asked.
"I don't want to talk to him" I replied.
"Why? Has something happened?" He asked me.
"Um.. I broke up with him" I said.
"What! Why?" He asked me.
"I just did. I don't wanna talk about it" I replied.
"Alright. Well if you do, you can talk to me" Donte said.
"Thanks" I replied. I then hugged him. A nurse then walked in.
"Hi. I'm just informing you that you guys are free to go home" The nurse said.
"Ok. Thank you" I replied.
"You just need to sign the forms before leaving" she then said and walked out. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and then Donte placed Charlotte in her car seat and wrapped her up. I then grabbed the bags and Donte picked up the car seat and we walked out. We signed some forms and then walked out into the car. Donte strapped her in and I sat in the back with her and, let Donte drive my car home. I pressed the button the remote to open the gates and they opened and we drove up the drive way. Donte carried her out and we walked in. We placed her in her Moses basket as she was asleep and I laid down on the sofa and Donte made us some lunch....

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