Chapter 3

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We walked into the classroom together.
"Finally decided to show up them you two" He said.
"Sorry sir" Dynasty said. I then followed, Dynasty to our seat. Mr Clarkson then walked over to us to show us what we were suppose to be doing.
"Have you two been drinking?" He questioned us both.
"No!" Dynasty said.
"How dare you say that to me!" I replied.
"You smell of booze. Go to the cooler now!" He shouted.
"Sir, let me take her" I heard at the back of he class. I turned around and it was, Donte. He got up and showed me to the cooler.
"What's up?" He questioned me.
"Nothing!" I replied.
"Why are you drinking?" He then questioned me.
"I had one glass geez" I replied.
"Whatever. See you" he said and I walked in to the cooler and gave my name. After the class finished, Mr Clarkson walked into the cooler. I was on the only one in there. The other teacher then left that was watching me.
"You alright?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. Why does everyone keep asking me that!" I replied.
"I know your background. I just wanted to make sure everything was ok. You were apparently good as gold in your previous school" he replied.
"Because it was a private one" I replied.
"Why did you decided to come here then?" He questioned.
"Because in private schools they are so strict. You can't be yourself" I replied.
"Ok. Well.. Do you wanna give the rest of the day a miss and start fresh tomorrow. Go and get your head down?" He questioned me.
"No. I promised myself that I would get threw the first day" I replied.
"Well. Ok then" he replied. He then passed me and note explaining why I would be late to my next lesson. I then walked to my class. The rest of the day went pretty fast and then it was he need off the day. After the final bell went I walked off my class and walked outside. Jamie was pulled up stood in front off the back door. I walked over there and he opened the door. I got in and told him where we were going. He then drove me up to the school house. I looked out the window and were pulling up on the long drive. It looked better than imaged actually. He pulled up right outside the front doors and opened the door for me. I then got out of the car.
"Thanks again, Jamie" I said.
"Just doing my job" he replied. I then walked through the doors of the house. A women then approached me.
"Are you Megan?" She questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"Nice to meet you" she began saying. "I'm Mrs Budgen, but call me Maggie" she then said.
"Nice to meet you too" I replied.
"I'll show you to your room" she replied. She then walked up the stairs and she allocated me to my room. "Here is your room" she said.
"Thank you" I replied.
"Where are your things?" She questioned.
"I have a small truck delivering some of my things. They will be here soon" I replied.
"Ok. Well make yours self at home. Tea will be ready in the next hour" she replied.
"Ok thank you" I replied. My phone then began ringing. It was my aunt.
"Hi, darling" she said to me.
"Hi. What's up?" I questioned her.
"I've just had a call and thought I would tell you that your car is ready to picked up" she said to me. I then went silence. Before my parents had died we had chosen that car out together, but it would take some time for me to get it as I was having it resprayed and also having new wheels and other new stuff added to it.
"It's ready. Why now?" I questioned.
"I don't know darling. We all miss you mom and dad, but it is your first car" she replied.
"Yeah. Except it's in London another 8 hours away.. I don't know if I can face going there alone" I replied.
"I believe in you, darling" she replied. The phone then went dead.
There then was a knock at my door. I called them in. It was Donte. I then turned around as there was tear coming down my face.
"You ok?" He questioned me and came and sat next to me on my bed.
"Yeah. I'm fine" I said turning my head.
"Come on. Tell me" he demanded.
"Fine. Well my car is ready to picked up" I replied.
"And he problem is?" He questioned me.
"It's in London and brings back memories of being there" I replied.
"Is that where you used to live?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. I move here because my parents past away 3 months ago" I replied.
"I'm sorry" he replied.
"You wouldn't off known, but I guess I'll just ring them up and sell it. I can't go and pick it up" I replied.
"Why not?" He questioned me.
"It's 8 hours away.." I replied.
"I'll take you" he replied.
"No.. I was telling you this for you too tell me" I replied.
"Please. I've never been London and we could get a hotel up there" he replied.
"We've known each other for a day. How do I not know your a serial killer" I replied..
"Well I think I would be in jail if I was" he replied nudging me.
"We can leave tonight if you want and get a hotel half way up?" He questioned me as it was Friday. "We also have a inset day on Monday" he said.
"Thank you so much. I wouldn't be able to face it if I went alone" I replied.
"Great!" He replied. "I'll go and pack and have something to eat, also book a hotel. I'll bring the car around in the next two hours" he replied.
"Thanks again" I replied hugging him. He then left. The delivery truck shortly arrived after he left. They brought in my stuff. I then unpacked all my clothes and all my stuff. I grabbed my case and picked my stuff and finally walked downstairs as tea was ready.
"Um.. Maggie" I said to Maggie and she walked over to me.
"What's up, darling?" She questioned me.
"I'm going away for the weekend to London to get my new car that parents had gotten me. I was wondering if it was ok" I replied.
"Yeah. Of course. Here's my number if you need anything. Who are you going with?" She questioned me writing on pice of paper and handing me her number.
"Donte" I replied.
"Ok. Well text me when you arrive there so I know your safe" she replied.
"I will. Thanks" she replied. She then gave me my tea and I sat down and are it. I then walked upstairs and got dressed. I then carried my cases downstairs and left them by the stairs waiting for, Donte. I went into the living room and sat down. A guy then approached me.
"Your Megan right. The new girl" he said to me.
"Yeah. You are?" I questioned him and he sat down.
"Oh sorry. Yeah. I'm Kevin. I'm, Dynasty's boyfriend. I saw you guys hanging out today" he replied.
"Oh right. Nice to meet you then" I replied.
"Yeah you too. Are you going somewhere?" He questioned me.
"To London for the weekend" I replied.
"Nice" he replied. I then looked outside and saw, Donte pulling up. He knocked on the door and m, Maggie welcomed him in and he walked in.
"You ready to go?" Donte questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied. "Nice meeting you, Kevin" I said to Kevin. Donte then grabbed my case and placed it in the boot. I then got in the front of the car with him.
"So you got your driving licence and papers for the car?" He questioned me.
"No. Why do I need them?" I questioned him.
"Of course. They won't give you the car if you don't" he replied.
"Well they will be at my house in London. My dad kept all the paper work in a draw at his desk and my license is in my room at the house" I replied.
"Well we can stop there when we get in London" I replied.
"Did you look for some hotels?" I questioned him.
"Yeah, but I didn't know what you would like" he replied.
"Here. I'll look and I'll pay" I replied.
"No. You don't have to" he replied.
"Please. Your driving 8 hours there that's the least I can do" I replied.
"Fine then" he replied. We then set off. I managed to get a hotel for the night half way too London...

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