Chapter 24

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It's the first day waking up in my new house. It's so exciting to actually have something to call your home and that it was the weekend. I got out off bed and got dressed in some cute comfy sweats and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I then walked downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and Donte was there and so was was my ex, Jason.
"Jason! What are you doing here?" I questioned him really confused.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you, but i went over to your old place and they said you had moved here. I really needed to see you and wanted to apologise for bumping into you. You look good by the way" He said.
"It's fine. So what do you want?" I questioned him still confused.
"Well since you were pregnant i thought you were dating, Donte here, so.. i didn't want to interfere, but i know now that you aren't and was wondering if could take you out?" He questioned me.
"Wait what?! You live in London and dumped me" I replied.
"Not anymore. My father's opened up and new business up here and wanted me to be manager as he wouldn't have the time to keep coming up. I only dumped you because of the long distance thing" He replied.
"I don't know, Jason. I am pregnant remember" I replied.
"I don't care. I will always love you. Just one date?" He questioned me.
"Ok. One date" I replied.
"Really" He said with a big grin.  
"Yeah. You can pick me up tomorrow" I replied.
"OK. Great" He replied and hugged me. I then said bye to him and he walked out. I then poured myself some cereal and sat down next to Donte.
"So then.. You gone and got yourself a date with your ex" He said.
"I know it's weird" I replied. "He was a great guy when we first dated" I replied.
"So have you got anything planned for today?" He questioned me.
"Nope. What about you?" I questioned.
"Probably bring the rest of my things over" He replied. My phone then began ringing. It was an unknown number.
"Hello?" I said down the phone.
"Hello is this, Megan McQueen speaking?" The guy questioned me.
"Speaking. Who is this?" I questioned.
"Hi there. This is Darren from Car Garages. We've only recently found out about the passing of your father and he said when he passed to ring you because there is a car here" He replied.
"Ok. Well i'm currently not living in London" I replied.
"We are in scotland not London" The guy replied.
"Oh right. Well i'll come down and have a look then" I replied.
"I'd probably get somebody else to bring you here" He replied.
"Ok sure" I replied. I then put the phone down.
"Who was that?" Donte questioned me.
"No one. I'm actually going to go shopping today" I replied. I then walked upstairs and rang my driver. I then had a shower and got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I finally, walked downstairs and Donte had let my driver through the gates and he was parked up outside. I got in the car and told the driver where to take me. We soon arrived at the garage and i got out and said bye to my driver and walked through. I would up to the main reception desk. It was actually a really posh place.
"Hi there. I'm Megan McQueen i spoke to Darren on the phone" I said.
"Megan" I heard someone from the side of me say.
"Hi, what's going on. I sold all my parents cars and now i find out he had a secret garage that no one knew about" I replied.
"Come with me" He began to say and we began walking. "Your father told me that he had an illness and wanted to store a car here for you, but didn't want anyone knowing he had a car here. That's why you presumed it was London. He also informed us to ring you when he passed" Darren said.
"He had an illness.. I never knew about this" I replied.
"He also told me to give you this" Darren said and handed me an envelope. I opened it and in there were a few disks and a letter. "Would you like to read the letter before me showing you the car?" He questioned.
"Can i see the car first" I replied. He then walked me into a large room with loads of garage doors and then a door began opening. In there was a white rolls royce ghost.
"Wow. When did my father get this?" I asked confused. Darren then handed me the keys.
"I'll leave you to read the letter and stuff" He replied and walked off. I then got in the car. I then opened the letter and began reading it.
To my special princess,
By the time your reading this i would off passed away and would know that i had a cancer. The doctors gave me most of 8 months to live. So i'm not going to be here for you or your mother.. I'm also going to miss your birthdays. The disks inside the envelope are from your 17th birthday up to your 30th birthday. I did some video diarys just so you know how much i miss you..  So each birthday up till your 30th you can watch the video i made for you.  I also knew you always wanted a rolls royce so happy birthday gorgeous girl. I miss you so much!!! Promise me you will look after your mother and help her get by the days without me and also look after yourself. I would of done anything for you, but now i'm gone.. Just remember i'm always here looking down on you helping you in life and making sure you have a good life without me. I love you.

From your daddy xxx


I began pouring my eyes out. He went sooner than he thought. I didn't even know he had cancer. I miss him so much. I then sat there for a while holding the letter and thinking. I finally placed it down to the left off me and turned on the engine. I then drove home. I pressed the remote button that opened the gates and they began opening. I then drove up my drive way and out came Donte. I parked up right out side and got out.
"So you went shopping and came back with this?" Donte questioned me smiling.
"It's a long story.." I replied.
"Well it's a good thing I like long stories then" he replied smiling. I then parked the car up in the garage and got out and walked inside. I then explained everything to Donte..

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