Chapter 29

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+10 Weeks... 8 1/2 months pregnant
The new building outside was almost finished. It was fully built but needed the inside doing like electrics, floors and walls.
I woke up and got out of bed and felt a massive kick in my stomach.
"Wow" I said to myself. I then slowly got out of bed. I walked downstairs and Jason was sat eating his breakfast.
"I've gotta head to airport now" he said.
"Airport, why?" I said.
"You've known for ages. I have an important meeting with someone in LA" Jason said.
"Oh yeah. Go and have fun" I said.
"It's not really fun it's work" he said.
"Yeah I know I'm joking" I said. I then felt a kick. "Ow" I said touching my stomach and bending down.
"You ok?" Jason questioned .
"Uh ha. Baby is just kicking" I said.
"You sure, do you want me to get Donte?" He questioned me.
"No, I'm fine" I said sitting down at the table.
"Ok, well I better run" Jason said grabbing his bag and kissing me on he cheek and running out the door. Donte then walked down.
"Is he off then" Donte said.
"What. Oh yeah" I said.
"How long for?" He questioned me.
"4 days I think" I said. I then felt another kick.
"Are you ok? Is it the baby?" Donte questioned me.
"Yeah, fine. The baby's just kicking a lot" i said.
"Maybe you should have today off.." Donte said.
"No I'll be fine" I said.
"At least leave it until the afternoon to see if your feeling well" Donte said.
"Firn, if it will make you feel better" I said. I then walked upstairs and laid back in bed. I began feeling the baby the again. I then searched up and read that it could be Brixton Hicks. It helps you prepare for labour, but most people get them around 20-25 weeks into the oregano up in till you give birth. I then went back to sleep for awhile and felt a little better after. I decided to head into school. I got up and had a shower and got dressed and did my hair and makeup. I then checked on building outside, and then got in my car and drove to school. My grandma was currently visiting some of her old friends that lived a couple hours away so she stayed over there's. I pulled up and got out and felt an either harder kick. I then slowly began to walk inside. It was already half way through my English lesson with Mr Clarkson. I walked into class.
"Megan. What are you doing here?" Mr Clarkson questioned me.
"What do you mean? Im at school" I replied.
"It's just that Donte said you weren't coming into school today?" He replied.
"Oh right. I'm better now. Where is Donte anyway?" I asked as I looked in his place and he wasn't there.
"He's just gone out to talk to some teachers" Mr Clarkson replied. I then felt a bad pain that was even worse than the rest I've been having. I then clutched on to my stomach.
"You ok Megan?" Mr Clarkson questioned me as he rushed over to me.
"Um.. yeah. Just bad pains" I replied. The pain then soon went away and I walked over to my seat.
"You sure your ok?" He asked me.
"Yeah.." I replied. I then began getting on with some work. I then felt water drip down my legs. I then stood up.
"Sir!" I shouted.
"What's the problem?" Mr Clarkson questioned me.
"I think my waters have just broke" I said.
"What!?" He shouted. "Ok. Dynasty go and get Donte, miss Campbell and tell miss mason! I'll call the ambulance" Mr Clarkson said. "The rest of you go into the hall and I'll get a teacher to you" he shouted and everyone rushed out. Mr Clarkson then moved a few tables and sat me down the floor and quickly called an ambulance. Suddenly, in stormed Donte and Miss Campbell. Donte quickly rushed aside me and held my hand and Miss Campbell came over to me.
"Ok. You go to your class in the hall. Have you called the ambulance?" Miss Campbell questioned Mr Clarkson as she rushed over.
"Yeah. I have. They are the phone here" he replied and passed he phone to Miss Campbell. He then quickly walked out the class.
"You feeling ok?" Miss Campbell asked me.
"No! I'm having a baby!!!" I shouted.
"Ok I need you to calm down, Megan" Miss Campbell said.
"Come on babe. Deep breaths" he said. We both then began doing deep breaths. Miss Mason then walked in.
"What's happening..." she said. "Oh right ok.." she replied. "I'll close off this corridor" she said and walked back at. The people on the phone told me not to push just yet so I was sitting doing deep breaths. Finally, the ambulance arrived and quickly stormed into the room. Miss Campbell then moved out the way. They then checked me over.
"Your having this baby right now" one of them said.
"What! I don't want to have my baby on the floor to English room!" I said back.
"You have to" she replied. "Ok. Now push" she said. I the looked into Dontes eyes and he grabbed my hand and i squeezed it and pushed! Few moments later I heard cries. They quickly passed me the baby and placed her into my chest. I began to cry. I looked st Donte and he had the biggest grin on his face.
"Welcome into the world" I said smiling. Donte then cut the cord and the ambulance people took her off me and wrapped her up and handed her to Donte. They the wrapped me up and placed on of the chairs and wheeled me out into the ambulance. Everyone was staring at us as Donte followed behind holding the baby. Maggie then came running out.
"I've only just heard!" Maggie said. "I'll meet you at the hospital" Maggie then said. They then closed the doors to the ambulance and drove us to the hospital.

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