Chapter 16

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I woke up the next morning and got out of bed. I then did the usual things I do in morning like have a shower, do my hair, get dressed, and do makeup. I then walked downstairs.
"You feeling ok?" Maggie questioned me.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I began to say. "I told, Donte last night" I replied.
"Well that good. What did he say?" She questioned me.
"He was fine" I replied.
"Well that's even better then" she said. I then got up and grabbed some breakfast and finally brushed my teeth. I then grabbed my bag and got in my car and drove to school. I walked in and Miss Campbell stopped me.
"Is everything ok now?" She questioned me.
"Yeah everything's great. I told Donte last night and he's been amazing. I don't care if you tell the teachers now" I replied.
"Yeah, well that's good. So it's ok if I talk to the head and send a quick email informing them" she replied.
"Yeah that's fine" I replied.
"Great" she replied. I then walked off and walked to the sixth form room. I walked in and walked straight over to Dynasty.
"I bet your glad, Donte took everything well" she said.
"Uh ha. I'm so happy" I replied.
"I'm sorry, but I kinda blurted out to Kevin that you were pregnant" she replied. A girl must of overheard because the next thing I knew a girl approached me.
"Your pregnant" this girl questioned me.
"Yeah, who are you?" I questioned her.
"Oh. I'm in your art class" she replied.
"Ok.. Well bye" I replied. She then walked off.
"I'm so sorry.." Dynasty then said.
"Nah it's ok. Everyone's gonna find out sooner or later I am 4 months gone" I replied.
"Well you don't even look pregnant" she replied.
"Thanks" I replied.
"So you hanging out at lunch?" She questioned me.
"Can't, I'm going to see some new cars" I replied.
"Ok, that's fine" she replied. The bell then went and we both walked to form. I walked in and took a seat. I then felt a kick in my stomach.
"Ow" I said resting my hand on my stomach.
"You ok over there?" mr Clarkson questioned me.
"Yeah" I replied.
"You ok?" Dynasty questioned me.
"It's just the baby moving around, it just feels weird" I whispered back. Soon form finalised and I got to the rest of my classes... lunch shortly arrived and I grabbed my bags and began walking to my car. Donte then began walking beside me.
"Hello?" I questioned him.
"I'm coming with you" he replied.
"You what?" I questioned him.
"My child with be in this car so I'm coming with you" he replied smiling.
"Fine then" I replied. We both then got in my car and drove to the place. I parked up and got out and we both walked in.
"Ah, you must be the lovely, Megan" the guy said walked over kissing my cheeks.
"Yeah that's me" I replied.
"You Megan's boyfriend?" He questioned Donte.
"No, just a friend" he replied.
"Well anyway I'm, Stephen and I'll be showing you around all our cars" he said. "Do you know what your looking for?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. I was looking at the Range Rover" I replied.
"Ah, what type?" He questioned me.
"I want a white Range Rover evoque with white and black leather interior and also I want it the best. Basically I want every single one of the best features you can add to this car to make it its best. I don't care about cost" I replied.
"Ah, you want everything added" he replied.
"Yeah. I will wait as well. I looked online as well and you could design it by added stuff to the car so basically I want everything. I also want TVs to be fitted into the car" I replied.
"Are you sure, it would cost a lot of money for all this" he replied.
"Seriously, I don't care" I replied.
"This way then" he replied. He then showed me a few cars. "We don't have the car with the features you want at the minute, but these can give you a rough idea of the design of the car. If you wanna go ahead with want you want we can go and make a deal and have one sent over I'm he next week or so" he replied.
"Yeah ok" I replied. He then took me over to his office with, Donte. We took a seat and he wrote down the cost.
"Wow. That's a lot" Donte said.
"Yeah well I'm very picky and the things I want are never cheap" I replied. "Anyway yeah ill have for that" I replied.
"Great" he replied. I then signed a few paper works. "Can I have your licence please?" He asked. I handed it over to him. "Your only 17 and buying just under a 100k car" he said.
"I was born into a rich family" I then said. He then did a few things..
"That's everything done" he said. "We will give you a ring when the car has arrived. I have made your a top priority so it will done much quicker" he said.
"Ah thank you" I replied. "When do I pay?" I questioned him.
"You can pay it all now, or you can put down a deposit and pay the rest when you pick it up, or put down the deposit and then pay monthly" he replied.
"Ild rather get it all out the way. I'll pay the deposit and pay the rest when I come and collect it" I replied.
"Of course" he said. I then paid and we both walked out and got in my car.
"That's your car sorted out then" Donte said.
"Yep. Glad I got that out of the way. You wanna grab some lunch?" I questioned him.
"Yeah, course" he replied. I then drove to a drive thru and ordered food for take out and paid and ate it. I then drove back to school just in time. I walked in and saw, Dynasty.
"Hiya" she said. "Did you buy a car?" She questioned me.
"Uh ha.." I replied smiling.
"What did you get?" She questioned me.
"Surprise.. It's being upgrading with all the features" I replied smiling.
"You can never be simple can you" she replied laughing.
"Nope" I replied. "Thanks for coming with me today" I said to Donte and hugged him.
"No problem. I better got the bell just went" he replied. The bell went.. I walked to my class and got on with everything..
(Crap chapter sorry..!)

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