Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning and did my normal routine. After I was all ready I walked downstairs and my phone began ringing. It was the lady looking for a house for me.
"Hello" I said down the phone.
"Morning, darling. I've found an amazing house. 4 bedrooms just like you wanted and recently been built, very modern. Also there is a little surprise in it" she said.
"Uh ha, really. What's the surprise?" I questioned her.
"You'll have to visit it to see it. I sure this will be the one for you. It's wonderful!" She said.
"Ok then. When for? I can do 12:20?" I questioned her.
"Perfect. I'll text you the address" she replied. The phone line then went dead.
I then shortly after received and message with the address on. I then had my breakfast and grabbed my bags and walked out the door. I got in my car and drove to school. I parked up and got out. I turned around and Donte was walking towards me.
"Morning" he said smiling.
"Morning to you too" I replied. We both then began walking inside. "About last night I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I said.
"Nah it's good. We both weren't thinking" I replied. I'm guessing there isn't going to be an us then.. He doesn't have feelings for me. "So you got anything planned for the day?" He questioned me.
"Well besides from school.. Looking at new house. The women thinks this is the one and even said it had a surprise" I replied smiling.
"Wow. Well I guess I better come then to see this surprise" he replied.
"You dont have to" I replied.
"Well I want to and anyway if this is gonna be the one I need to see it" he replied smiling.
"Sure. Meet here at lunch" I replied and we walked into the sixth form room. We both then waked over to Dynasty and Kevin.
"Hey, guys" I said. We all then started chatting until the bell went. We all then walked to form. I walked in. I sat down and got registered.. After form I walked to my first period and got on with the morning. Lunch shortly arrived and I met up with Donte and both got in my car.
"So you ready to see this house?" He questioned me.
"Yeah. I'm just hoeing this is the one" I replied. I then drove to where the address took me.
"Is this it?" Donte questioned me as we pulled up outside large gates.
"I'm guessing" I replied. I then noticed that there was a buzzer next to the gates. I then pressed it and someone answered.
"Megan. your here. I'll open the gates for you" my estate agent said. The gates then began opening. I then drove up the large drive way. I then came across a mini round about with a fountain in the middle ride outside the front door. I then and parked up outside.
"Wow.." Donte said.
"Wow it is" I replied. We both then got out the car and my estate agent opened the large doors and welcome us in to this large room with two stair cases in front going up to the same landing upstairs and in the middle of it was two large doors and either side were two room.
"What's your first thoughts?" She questioned me.
"Gorgeous" I replied.
"That's what I like to here" she replied. She then took me through to the large opened planned kitchen..
"This is amazing" I replied.
"This kitchen is bigger than my house" Donte said jokingly.
"It's very lush isn't it" she said. She then showed me around the rest of the downstairs and then we began walking upstairs.
"Now this house has 4 bedrooms but could be 5. The guy has decorated the room as an office but easily be turned into a room. The 4 bedroom all have on suits and two of the rooms also have a walk in wardrobe" she said.
"Wow. Better than I wanted" I replied. She then showed me into the master room.
"All the rooms are mainly this size. The guy who is selling the house actually designed it and had it built and wanted all the rooms to be large" she replied.
"So no one has lived here then?" I questioned her.
"The guy who built it has, but only for 3 months" she replied. She then showed me the rest of the upstairs and it was so modern and large.
"Wow this is amazing" I replied. She then took me to the garden. The garden was very large just like the rest of the house.
"As you saw when driving up it has 3 large garages" she said. "So do you want to see that surprise?" She questioned me.
"Wait you haven't showed me the surprise yet?" I questioned.
"Nope" she replied. We then walked over to the two large doors beneath the stair case and she opened them widely. In there was gorgeous pool and hot tub.
"Wow! Can this house get any better" I replied.
"This house is awesome" Donte said.
"This House can get better" she replied. "Did you see the large windows when we walked out to the garden and how they were blacked out" she said.
"Yeah.." I replied.
"Well with this remote you can change that. By clicking a few buttons they will be just like normal Windows" she replied.
"That's so cool" Donte replied.
"Shall we go talk about it then" she said. We then walked out and closed the door and walked into the dining room and sat down.
"So you interested in the house I see" she said.
"Yeah, but I bet it's over my budget" I replied. She then smiled.
"Are you seriously. Can you actually remember your budget you gave me. It's way in your budget" she replied.
"Are you serious!" I replied.
"Uh ha" she replied.
"Can you make an offer then?" I questioned. She then got out her phone and called the owner.. She was in the phone for a few minutes and didn't look to impressed. She finally came off the phone and looked at me not to happy. "I have some news. The owner has decided to.." She said slowly. "Sell you the house!" She screamed smiling.
"Omg!!" I replied.
"I'll have the papers drawn up for you" she said.
"When will I be able to move in?" I questioned.
"Well tomorrow you and the owner come in and sign some paperwork and we will talk about the money. If everything goes to planned you should hopefully have the keys between 1-2 weeks" she replied.
"That quick" I replied smiling.
"I am the best" she replied. I then hugged her and thanked her.
"I'll see you tomorrow. We will meet at my office at 12:10"she replied.
"Ok. See you then" she replied as me and Donte both walked out the house.
"I can't believe I've just brought a house!" I said screaming. Donte then grabbed me and hugged me.
"I'm so happy for you. That's amazing. The house is Amazing!" He replied.
"Thanks for coming" I replied X
"No problem" he replied winking. We both then got in my car and drove back to the school. I was so excited now to move in. All I've gotta go is order all new furniture as it came unfurnished...

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